
Script for IFTTT to save your favorite songs genres from spotify

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Spotify favorite genre

Script for IFTTT Maker channel to save your favorite songs genres from spotify using WebTask, Mongolab and Last.fm API



First you'll need to replace apiKey on spotify-favorite-genre.js with you last.fm api key.

Install webtask cli:

$ npm i -g wt-cli
$ wt init

Deploy both files on Webtask adding your mongo lab url:

$ wt create --secret MONGO_URL=<YOUR_MONGO_LAB_URL> spotify-favorite-genres-view.js
$ wt create --secret MONGO_URL=<YOUR_MONGO_LAB_URL> spotify-favorite-genres.js

Web task will return both url's: one for viewing the resuls and one for hooking on IFTTT.


Create a new recipe with Spotify channel and select New Saved Track recipe.

Select Maker channel for then and paste the url given by webtask.io plus the parameters: &artist={{ArtistName}}&title={{TrackName}}

Done. When adding a track to your music on spotify the script will check the track genre and incretment the counter. Just open the view url given by webtask on your browse to check the results!