This application is a checkout simulation based on three steps.
In the initial page, cart data is requested from the API and saved on store. In the second step, we have a payment form to receive user's payment data. When user inputs your payment data and submit the form, the application is redirected to the last step: confirmation. In this step, we show a summary of order for the user.
- React - The Javascript library used to build user interface
- Create React App - A React Starter Kit
- Styled Components - A tool to create Styled React components
- Typescript - A typed superset of Javascript that compiles to plain Javascript
- Jest - A tool to test Javascript code
- Hook Form - A complementary tool to make easy the creation of React forms
These instructions will guide you to run on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Before start, you need to install NodeJS (you can download files here).
NOTE: The use of newer versions of Node is recommended
If you need specific instructions to install NodeJS for a specific Operational System, see more on the following links:
Go to the project's folder and install project's dependencies using the following command in a terminal of your choice:
$ npm install
Finally we can run the project using the following command:
$ npm start
To test the code I'm using Jest and Testing Library (for React components).
I made the decision to place test files near from your source files, instead of in a "__test__" folder. For this reason, a "component.test.tsx" will be near, in the same folder of "component.tsx", for example.
To run all of our unit tests you need to run the following command:
$ npm test
NOTE: The test will be running in watch mode. To run all test's files, press "a" key.
NOTE: In watch mode, you can filter tests by parameters such as file name, test name and other options... To know more about this options, see this section:
To get test coverage you need to run the following command:
$ npm run coverage
NOTE: By default, a coverage table will be generated in YOURFOLDERNAME/coverage/Icov-report/index.html
To create a production build, you must run the following command:
$ npm run build
NOTE: After builds the application, the script will create the project's documentation.
To build the application and serve the built version you must run the following command:
$ npm run serve
npm run build
: Creates a production build using react-app-rewired.npm run coverage
: Generates a folder with test coverage.npm start
: Runs the application for development.npm serve
: Creates a production build and serve the application.npm run docs
: Creates code's documentation using TypeDoc.npm run lint
: Run lint tools to check the code.npm run postbuild
: Generates application's documentation.npm test
: Runs Jest testing.npm run eject
: Encapsulates all of the npm modules it is using internally, so that your package.json will be very clean and simple without you having to worry about it.
├── build - Production build
├── coverage - Coverage files by Jest
├── docs - Code's documentation
├── node_modules
├── public
├── src
│ ├── redux - Redux modules and containers
│ ├── routes - React Router's definitions
│ ├── screens - App's pages
│ ├── shared - Shared code (eg.: helpers)
│ ├── ui
│ ├── assets - Image files
│ ├── components - React Components
│ ├── layouts - Layouts for App's pages
└── theme - Colors and fonts definitions
│ ├── App.tsx - App main component
│ ├── index.tsx - App entry point
│ ├── serviceWorker.js - Service Worker config
│ ├── setupTests.js - A cfg to run before tests
│ └── react-app-env.d.ts
├── package.json
├── paths.json - Typescript path aliases
├── tsconfig.json
└── typedoc.json
To improve the application's maitenance I made the decision to create a theme's file to be provided for . Thus, future developments related to design system become easier.