Shorts Summary

"Shorts Summary" is a web application for creating summaries of YouTube short videos using Artificial Intelligence to transcribe the video's content and generate a summary.

Live Preview   |    Layout   |    Technologies   |    Worked On

Project cover.

📝 Live Preview

  • Shorts Summary | Main repository
  • Note: the project works better with shorts in the English language that have a content to be summarised, like a story.

Landing page created during the event.

🎨 Layout

  • You can check the layout here. You will need a Figma account to access it.

🧑🏻‍💻 Technologies

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Vite
  • NodeJS

🎓 Worked on

  • CSS: flex-box
  • Install and use dependencies like Axios, Express, ytdl-core.
  • Create the script "server" to start the server with a simpler command and watching for changes.
  • Start the application with express.
  • Create routes.
  • Use HTTPS methods, resource, params.
  • Throw an error if the video is not a short using throw new Error.
  • Use .pipe to save the video in a specific location (tmp folder).