
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Multiple script files, classes & namespaces

This is derived from Bruce Mcpherson's insightful article "Apps Script V8: Multiple script files, classes & namespaces". Mcpherson provides some great, practical examples on namespacing and caveats when used in libraries. After working through his example, I made a few modifications that better suit how I currently work. The spreadsheet is available here.

MySheet & Shob

I decided to combine the two classes into a single Sheet class, which acts as an enhanced version of the native Sheet object within Apps Script. As the native Sheet object has no unique prototype, creating a new class is really the only way I can think to include these methods without also modifying the prototype of Object (affecting every object in the script).

The MySheet class was an abstraction of the native Sheet object. This class had a primary goal of providing the sheet values via internal memory. This is a relatively trivial feature, but the method I found most interesting was MySheet.replaceValues(), which cleared the sheet and wrote a new set of values to it.

The Shob class was presented as...

... [a] class to interact with the sheet data. Each MySheet is abstracted into an array of JSON objects, using this class, which is also going to be the interface to MySheet.

I didn't like the name "Shob", but this is a really useful class as I often use sheets as database tables where every row represents a single record.

After working through Mcpherson's example, I settled on the unified Sheet class since

  1. there's no immediate benefit to having Shob be an interface to MySheet, and
  2. for the purpose of this example, and many of my own uses of Apps Script, its functionality is a natural extension of a Sheet.

API Settings

It was unclear to me why the settings for the Sunset API were stored in Settings instead of in the Sunset class. The Sunset class was passing latitude & longitude parameters to Settings in order to build the URL, so there wasn't a very strict separation to begin with. So this was simplified, and the class renamed to SunriseSunset.