- Version: MySQL 5.7
- Name: dbscaffold;
- File: ./database/dbscaffold.sql
- Laravel Migration: true
- Host: scaffold.local
- PHP: 7.3 >=
- Laravel 8.x Server Requeriments https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/installation
- PHP 7.3 >=
- MySQL 5.7 >=
- Composer && php artisan installed
- NPM installed
- Clone this repository on a clean folder: https://github.com/matmper/laravel_scaffold_v1
- Use "composer install" on repository folder
- Use "npm install"
- Configure your database and smtp connection on ".env" file (./.env)
- Open your terminal and execute the migration: php artisan migrate
- Alternative: import database file in your MySQL database
- Configure a Sendblue - API KEY v3 to send emails in your .env
- Open your terminal and execute the seed: php artisan db:seed --class=UserSeeder
- Your admin user will be: admin@admin.com
- Your admin pass will be: admin123
- This code cannot be reproduced or used commercially; Only tests and sampling;
May the force be with us!