
This project will determine which of the five supervised classification machine learning algorithms performs best in detecting phishy emails

Primary LanguagePython


Phishing is a type of cybercrime in which attackers try to steal sensitive information, by using social engineering techniques, masquerading trusted third parties. According to @Stavroulakis “Phishing is the attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details (and, indirectly, money), often for malicious reasons, by disguising as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication”. This is a well-known attack since it affects people worldwide, it is independent of the O.S, device, e-mail provider, platform.

Typically, attackers are interested in information and credentials such as: personal email, credit cards, social media, e-commerce and digital wallets. There were 1.2 million phishing attacks only last year, costing more than half a billion dollars to American business. There is a clear growth tendency:

This image shows the amount of phishing attacks per year. Data from the Anti Phishing Work Group

Project goal

Despite all the research and anti-phishing tools, this is a threat of growing concern that needs to be addressed. The aim of this project is to measure the efficiency of machine learning algorithms in detecting phishing emails and it will determine which machine learning algorithm, under supervised classification, suits best to resolve this problem. Moreover, this project proposes a wide variety of features to be analyzed in phishing emails, both internal and external aspects.


To accomplish this project, two raw datasets will be used. The first one is a large phishing corpus that contains more than 2000 real phishing emails in a single mbox file. The second is a large database of real and non-phishy or spam emails obtained from the Enron Email Database1. Both datasets are in different formats and need to be uniformalized.

Once the data is transformed into a single format (see Methods), they will be used to create a new dataset, consisting of the features detected (or absent) in the emails. The identified features are categorized in internal and external. Internal features are those found in the raw format of the email, e.g. the reply-to address, MIME TYPE, HTML body, javascript usage, etc. External features are those that use internal details to gather more information via APIs, e.g: using the host of the sender’s address, perform WHOIS queries to gather information regarding the registar.

After the features have been gathered from the emails, a dataset is built with such the features and the label indicating if the values correspond to a phishy or a normal and expectable email. With this dataset, the different machine learning algorithms are trained and then tested.

For the sake of reproducibility, all the code, data and RapidMiner process definition will be available in a public GitHub respository created for this project2.


For this project, two datasets were used. The first one is a phishing email corpus3 containing more than 2000 phishing emails in a single text file of 400.000 lines in the mbox format. Every email in this dataset is a reported and verified phishing attempt. The link to the phishing corpus was retrieved from other papers that studied phishy emails. By the moment the dataset was to be accessed, the file was no longer available. In order to acquire the dataset, the Web Archive4 was used to retrieve the lastest version available and the folling link was found to download the dataset: http://monkey.org/~jose/phishing/phishing3.mbox. The dataset will be published in the same GitHub repository with the rest of the code, to ensure reproducibility of this work.

The second dataset contains regular or non-phishing emails, from the Enron email corpus. This is a 1.7GB emails dataset in a folder structure, in which there is mailbox per employee, with several subfolders per each one. This email corpus is in the maildir format.

The first step was transforming the datasets into a single format. This first step is achieved using a Python script that transforms maildir to mbox format. A script hosted on GitHub was used for this purpose5. This script presented some bugs that made the script unsuitable for the current problem. The corrected version of the script will be available on the public repository where this project is hosted on GitHub.

The script transformed every email from the maildir format into an email in the mbox format. Therefore, further concatenation was needed to build a single mbox file with 2000 non-phishy emails. This is done by an additional script developed for this project that takes 2000 random mbox files and concatenates them into a single mbox. By this point we have 2 uniform mbox datasets, each with 2000 emails approximately ready to be processed.

The next step consists on the feature gathering of the emails to create the features dataset, which will be the input for machine learning algorithms. The features that are currently implemented are:

  • @ in URLs. Detects the presence of the ``@" character in URLs. T/F value.

  • Number of Attachments. Detects the number of attachments present in the email. Numerical value

  • Css in header. Detects the number of Css links in the emails’ body, under the head tag in the html message. Numerical value

  • External Resources. Detects the number of external resources linked in the body of the email. Numerical value

  • Flash content. Detects the presence of flash content in the body of the email. T/F value.

  • HTML content. Detects the presence of HTML content. T/F value.

  • Html Form. Detects the presence of HTML Forms. T/F value.

  • Html iFrame. Detects the presence of HTML iFrames. T/F value.

  • IPs in URLs. Detects the presence of IPs in URLS, instead of human readable domain names. T/F value.

  • Javascript blocks. Detects the number of Javascript blocks inside the email’s body.

  • URLs. Detects the number of URLS in the email.

In order to retrieve this features, several Python libraries were required, such as Pandas, BeautifulSoup, Alexa Rank and PythonWhois. To extract specific values and tags, regular expressions were used:

REGEX used for the feature finding

The feature gathering code is organized as followed: An abstract class FeatureFinder with two methods: getFeatureTitle and getFeature(message). The first returns the title of the current feature being resolved, e.g. HTML iFrames. The second method receives the email message as a parameter and returns the value for the corresponding feature finder.

This abstract class has as many generalizations as the current present features. The specific feature finders use functions from the utils class, that provides common methods for accessing data and values inside the email message, among other tasks.

This use of Polymorphism and OOP (Object Oriented Programming) makes the code more organized, clear and easy to understand. Furthermore, adding a new feature finder only implies implementing the new FeatureFinder subclass, implement the abstract methods and add the new instance to the finders lists. The values from this new finder will be included in the final CSV file without further coding.

For the sake of clarity, in the following diagram only 4 generalizations of feature finder were included:

UML class diagram

This process produces 2 output CSV files. The first file with the features of phishing emails and an extra column of “Phishy” with True as a value for all. The other file with the features of ham (non-phishy) emails and an extra column of “Phishy” with False as a value for all. The division of 80%-20% for training and testing respectively is done by the RapidMiner tool with its ETL capabilities.

This dataset features is used to train and test the algorithms. 80% of emails will be used for training purposes and the rest 20% for testing the algorithms and measure their efficiency. With the 20% of the emails, the precision, recall and accuracy of each machine learning algorithm will be tested. This will determine which algorithm performed best at identifying phishing emails in the proposed data context and features model. The algorithms analysed are:

  1. Decision trees

  2. KNN

  3. Random forests

  4. Naive Bayes

The algorithm that is not implemented yet is Logistic regression.
To train and test the algorithms, view results, and perform some ETL processes such as splitting the input dataset into training and testing, RapidMiner was used. This tool allows the execution of several machine learning algorithms via the design of a data flow. This is done using provided building blocks and custom building blocks can be built to enhance reusability. The diagram is explanatory of the process, the steps involved and in which order they are executed. Any changes in the flow does not mean changes in code, rather, by simply changing the design or parameters, the entire solution can easily change.

For reproducibility purposes, RapidMiner is free to try in its community edition, being the only constraint the number of processed rows. RapidMiner offers free licences for students and researchers, so anyone interested in reproducing the flow developed for this project could do so without having to pay for any licence. In any case, RapidMiner allows the export of the process as a PMML file. This kind of process definition file can be executed from a python environment without relying on rapidminer.

The following is an image of the current flow designed for this project:

Root flow [fig:root]

The Root flow uses custom built building blocks, such as data acq. (data acquisition) and each of the sub-processes on the right side of the diagram. One sub-process per machine learning algorithm.

The following image shows the data acquisition building block. This custom build step is in charge of the retrieval and splitting the data into 80% training and 20% testing. The first two steps Read enron and Read phishy are CSV file readers and are processing the CSV input files. The next steps are the Split Data HAM and Split Data PHISHY. These steps divide the input in the proportions described before.

The next two steps will merge the 80% of HAM email with 80% of Phishy email, and as an output we have the training set. The other test does the same for the testing set, with 20% of each. The data split is always performed in the same sequential order and testing data will never fall into the training flow.

Therefore, this building block has 2 outputs: 1) Training data and 2) Testing data.

Data retrieval and splitting block

Once we have the separate datasets, we have to train the algorithms and test their performance. That is the role of the custom built building block for each machine learning algorithm depicted in the following diagram:

Train test block

The first input is the training dataset and the second the testing dataset. The training dataset goes into a Optimize parameters step, in which different parameters values are tested in the algorithm in order to find the optimal configuration. In this optimization process, the testing data is not used. Such process has the model as an output. Such model is then applied to the testing data and then the performance is evaluated.

This process, once executed, will first create the models with the training data, test the performance with testing data and show the results

Current results

The current developed workflow on RapidMiner trains and evaluates Decision trees, KNN, Random forests and Naive Bayes. Logistic Regression is still being developed due to other constraints that such algorithm requires. The following table and bar chart show the accuracy, recall and precision for each algorithm.

Performance results of the tested algorithms in tabular format

Performance results of the tested algorithms in a bar chart

Currently the algorithm that performs bests in this scenario and with this email corpus is Naive Bayes with an accuracy of 99,18% and a recall of 98,46%. These results may vary when the project is done, as value normalization and other optimizations are due.

Summary and conclusion

From the preliminary results, it is clear that Naive Bayes is the best algorithm in detecting this kind of problem given the current training set. With a precision of 100% in al cases, this means that every non-phishy email would be correctly identified and would not fall under the spam folder if this were to be implemented in a real solution.

On the other hand, a small portion of the phishing attempts will fall under the inbox undetected. In the case of Naive Bayes, 9 out of 456 phishing emails would pass undetected. That is approximately 2% of the testing corpus. Values from the dataset have to be normalized and that may affect the performance results. Additionally, the optimal parameters for each algorithm is still pending.

Further work is going to be done in order to analyse from the testing data, what examples are causing the loss in recall. Once these cases have been examined, the model could be tuned with the aim of improving the overall results.


  1. https://www.cs.cmu.edu/ ./enron/

  2. https://github.com/diegoocampoh/MachineLearningPhishing

  3. Phishing corpus - Nazario. phishingcorpus homepage, Apr. 2006. http://monkey.org/%7Ejose/phishing/

  4. Web Archive - https://archive.org/web/

  5. https://github.com/bluebird75/maildir2mbox/blob/master/maildir2mbox.py