
HTML to TUI (Text user interface) renderer. It is like TurboVision but in pure HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


HTML to TUI (Text user interface) renderer. It translates DOM Nodes into Text interface.


$ npm run ansi
 Left   File   Command   Options   Right
│                                       ││                                       │
│       Name       │ Size │   MTime     ││       Name       │ Size │   MTime     │
│/..               │  4096│Nov 16 22:2  ││/..               │UP-DIR│Oct 11 20:3  │
│/debian           │  4096│Nov 16 22:2  ││/.idea            │   340│Oct 12 00:5  │
│ Makefile         │  4096│Nov 16 22:2  ││/lib              │   170│Oct 11 23:5  │
│                                       ││ Makefile         │  4096│Nov 16 22:2  │
│                                       ││                                       │
│                                       ││                                       │
~/Documents/html-cli$ node index.js

 1Help   2Menu   3View   4Edit   5Copy   6RenMov 7Mkdir  8Delete 9PullDn 10Quit