
Udacity - "Optimize Your GitHub Profile" is a course for profissional profile

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Udacity - "Optimize Your GitHub Profile" is a course for profissional profile Udacity Course The studant Ryan( repository curricullum ) is a exemple about using Udacity learning and practice code, skills and persistence.


  1. Prove Your Skills With GitHub

  2. Introduction

  3. GitHub profile important items

  4. Good GitHub repository

  5. Interview with Art - Part 1

  6. Identify fixes for example “bad” profile

  7. Quick Fixes #1

  8. Quick Fixes #2

  9. Writing READMEs with Walter

  10. Interview with Art - Part 2

  11. Commit messages best practices

  12. Participating in open source projects I

  13. Interview with Art - Part 3

  14. Participating in open source projects II

  15. Starring interesting repositories

  16. Next Steps

  17. Project Rubric

  18. Submit Project