
My personal React seed

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Diego React Seed

/!\ Warning! Work in progress!

This is a seed to create proyects with React and Webpack.


Clone this repo:

git clone --depth=1 --branch=master git://someserver/somerepo your_proyect_name
rm -rf !$/.git

This command clones this repo without dowloading all the git history and removes the .git folder, so you can create your new git repo in this point: git init. Remember to change your_proyect_name with your proyect's name.

Install dependencies with yarn (recomended) or npm install.

How to use

We have two NPM comands:

  • npm start starts a dev-webserver to start to developing.
  • npm run build creates a ./dist folder with our optimised project ready for production.


  • Modules for styles, images, etc.