Indoor Localisation System based on WiFi using ESP8266 sensors
The goal of this project was to create a system that capture RSSI of WiFi access points and use it to estimate the postion of a device in indoor location.
This project was built with the following software:
Golang v1.18.3
Python v3.8.10
Sqlite v3.31.1
- clone the project
$ git clone
- Switch to server directory, you’ll two find two directories, the first one is the web server and the second one is ML server
$ cd your-map/server
- Build the main server, after the build is done, an executable file named main will be generated
$ cd main
$ go build
- Now switch to the ai directory where ML server is located and install all required python dependecies
$ cd ../ai
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- clone scanner
- Switch to cli-scanner directory and compile the script, an executable file named cli-scanner will be generated
$ cd yourmap-cli-scanner
$ go build
- The file named ap.ino in the "access-point" directory contains the code for configuring an ESP8266 access point, you just need to set the SSID and password of your access point by updating the fields ACCESS_POINT_NAME and ACCESS_POINT_PASSWORD
$ ./main
$ make production
$ sudo ./cli-scanner -device <DEVICE_NAME> -location <LOCATION_NAME> -sublocation <SUBLOCATION_NAME> -wifi -forever -server <SERVER_URL> -i <NETWORK_INTERFACE_NAME>
$ sudo ./cli-scanner -device <DEVICE_NAME> -location <LOCATION_NAME> -wifi -forever -server <SERVER_URL> -i <NETWORK_INTERFACE_NAME>