Using WebSockets in Jetty

This sample illustrates how to use WebSockets with Pedestal and Jetty.

Getting started

  1. Start a REPL with lein repl
  2. Start the server within the REPL with (def serv (run-dev))
  3. In your browser's JavaScript console
w = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8080/ws")
w.onmessage = function(e) { console.log(; }
w.onclose = function(e) {  console.log("The connection to the server has closed."); }
w.send("Hello from the Client!");

You'll notice the log message in Clojure REPL

  1. Send a message to the client and close with (service/send-and-close!)


To configure logging see config/logback.xml. By default, the app logs to stdout and logs/. To learn more about configuring Logback, read its documentation.



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