
Mini module which loads the composer autoloader, creates initial composer.json

Primary LanguagePHP

Composer integration for contao

Module which loads the composer autoloader, creates initial composer.json and provide a backend client.

Backend module


Checkout repository

Checkout this repository and link it to system/modules (initial)

cd /path/to/my/project/documentroot
git clone git://github.com/ContaoCommunityAlliance/Composer.git composer/vendor/contao-community-alliance/composer
cd system/modules
ln -s ../../composer/vendor/contao-community-alliance/composer/src/system/modules/\!composer .
cd ../..
Contao page request

Do a normal page request, this will prepare the folder structure and the default composer.json

Download composer (the manual way)

Download composer as explained here: http://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md#downloading-the-composer-executable

cd composer
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
Download composer (with backend client)

Just call the backend client from the menu, it will tell you that composer is not installed and install it automatically.

Add some vendors (the manual way)

Open the composer/composer.json in your prefered editor and add some dependencies as explained here: http://getcomposer.org/doc/04-schema.md

    "require": {
        "bit3/contao-nested-menu": "dev-master"
Add some vendors (with backend client)
Via integrated search

Type your keyword or package name into the search field and press the search button.

Package search

Select your package and click the "mark to install" button on the right. Select prefered version and version contraint to install.

Package details view

Via integrated editor

Advanced editor

Click on "advanced mode" in the backend client and add some dependencies as explained here: http://getcomposer.org/doc/04-schema.md

"require": {
   "bit3/contao-nested-menu": "dev-master" 
Install the vendors (the manual way)

Tell composer to download the configured vendors

php composer.phar install
Install the vendors (with backend client)

Click on "updated packages" and just wait until composer finished installation.


  • php 5.3.4 or higher
  • contao 2.11.* or contao 3.1.* or higher
