- 0
Add Border Color
#217 opened by matteoberla - 4
linearGradientBackgroundColor is not working
#214 opened by Hamid313-coder - 0
- 1
- 0
The widget indicator (on LinearPercentIndicator) isn't responsive; it stays static when the window is resized
#211 opened by plecart - 0
New release in
#208 opened by minhdanh - 0
Privacy manifest file for iOS is missing
#207 opened by oremlawi - 14
- 8
- 0
Animation hangs when the widget is just launched
#204 opened by rocboronat - 6
arcType.FULL but it not show full circle
#173 opened by htvu - 0
linearGradientBackgroundColor doesn't work
#202 opened by pen110 - 0
linearGradientBackgroundColor doesn't work
#201 opened by pen110 - 0
Disable initial animation
#199 opened by Erfa - 3
Features missing
#184 opened by Nedimko123 - 1
`CircularPercentIndicator` border
#195 opened by FMorschel - 1
Add `screenshots` to your ``
#192 opened by FMorschel - 0
Bug with `CircularPercentIndicator.animation`
#193 opened by FMorschel - 4
Different version shows different size of circle for same radius in CircularPercentIndicator
#191 opened by MdNaimHasan - 1
- 0
Feature query - Conditional color gradient
#188 opened by pratik97179 - 4
How to fit in Grid Layout using Expanded widget
#186 opened by surajpunemaha - 1
- 0
How to make progressColor glow
#185 opened by proalex1996 - 9
Version 4.2.2 not Compatible with Flutter version 2.10.3 (Dart version 2.16.1)
#183 opened by Rui-Trindade406 - 1
Bend LinearPercentIndicator to a circular shape
#181 opened by ashwinkey04 - 5
Example file
#152 opened by ivofernandes - 3
[LinearPercentIndicator] Cannot get size from a render object that has not been through layout in Nested Routes
#175 opened by noxasch - 2
add a border to the progressIndicator
#166 opened by lcyper - 1
- 1
- 1
Incorrect place of ? in postFramCallBack
#169 opened by wajahatiqbal22 - 1
v4.2.1 ios Compilation failed
#168 opened by tangbincheng - 1
Remove the default spacing on both sides
#151 opened by easonccc - 3
app is not running, because of WidgetsBinding?.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_)
#164 opened by guvanch-amangeldiyev - 3
- 6
flutter 3.0.0 is detecting issue with the library
#157 opened by Bahrom2101 - 3
Build failed on Flutter 2.10.
#160 opened by masahiro-ikemoto - 1
Method 'addPostFrameCallback' cannot be called on 'WidgetsBinding?' because it is potentially null.
#159 opened by iBelow - 1
/percent_indicator-4.0.0/lib/linear_percent_indicator.dart:162:20: Warning: Operand of null-aware operation '?.' has type 'WidgetsBinding' which excludes null.
#158 opened by AgnRakul - 12
1% progress should be inside.
#147 opened by flomingdev - 0
Get hex color base on percentage value
#153 opened by serey168 - 2
- 0
- 2
ArcType.Full but not at the bottom but on top
#141 opened by chrizstone - 1
WidgetsBinding.instance?.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
#146 opened by haleem13 - 2
Change the border radius
#148 opened by LaTrita97 - 2
Getting error in linear percent indicator
#145 opened by thechawla225 - 2
LinearStrokeCap is deprecated
#144 opened by heydc7 - 3
progressColor not show in 4.0.0 version
#143 opened by Hendriyawan