#Alfred workflow baidu translate (v2.0)

##Function Detect the input language automatically and translate to different languages by baidu translate.

##Principle Get the users' inputs -> POST them to baidu translate api -> Grasp response results -> Arsing the result to xml format which can be recognized by Alfred.

##Direction for use ‘bt’ (keyword) + space + words/sentences (in different languages)

##Annotation When the input language is non-Chinese, the aimed translate language will be set to chinese automatically.
When the input language is Chinese, the aimed translate language will be set to English automatically.

##Test Cases

  1. English to Chinese image
  2. Chinese to English image
  3. Japanese to Chinese image

V2.0 Updated on July 17th, 2014

  1. Add notification when press "return".
  2. Redirect to author's home page after pressing "return"
  3. Copy website link of author's home page automatically.

Workflow: image

Updated on January 16th, 2015

Now the workflow is available on Alfred2 Workflows List.

Updated on April 14th, 2016

Migrate to most updated Baidu translate API.