A small library implementing Hopf Algebras in clojure. Its core is a class implementing a linear combination of "stuff". Such a linear combination is stored as a map, mapping "stuff" to its coefficient. That is {"a" 5, "b" 17} stands for the linear combination 5 * "a" + 17 * "b".
(require '[hopf-algebra.linear-combination :as lc])
; vetor space operations; i.e addition / multiplication
(let [lc-1 { "something" 5 }
lc-2 { "something" 3,
"something else" 2}]]
(lc/lc-add (lc/multiply 10 lc-1) lc-2)) ; -> { "something" 53, "something else" 2}))
If "stuff" implements (parts of) the HopfAlgebra protocol, we can do more:
(defrecord Concatter [content])
(extend-type Concatter
(product [a b] { (->Concatter (str (:content a) (:content b))) 1 } ))
(let [lc-1 { "something" 5 }
lc-2 { "else" 2}]]
(lc/lc-multiply lc-1 lc-2)) ; -> { "somethingelse" 10 }
It comes with two sample implementations of Hopf algebras; the shuffle Hopf algebra and, its dual, the concatenation Hopf algebra.
(require '[hopf-algebra.shuffle-algebra :as sa])
(require [hopf-algebra.hopf-algebra :refer [product coproduct antipode]]
(let [sw-1 (sa/->ShuffleWord [1 2]),
cw-1 (sa/->ConcatWord [1 2])]
(product sw-1 sw-1) ; the shuffle of [1 2] and [1 2] as a linear combination:
; {(->ShuffleWord [2 1 2 1]) 2, (->ShuffleWord [2 2 1 1]) 4}
(lc/lc-multiply {sw-1 1} {sw-1 1}) ; gives the same result
(product cw-1 cw-1) ; {(->ConcatWord [1 2 1 2]) 1}
(coproduct sw-1) ; the coproduct is de-concatenation
; { [(->ShuffleWord [1 2]) (->ShuffleWord [])] 1,
[(->ShuffleWord [1]) (->ShuffleWord [2])] 1,
[(->ShuffleWord []) (->ShuffleWord [1 2])] 1}
; note that tensors are stored as vectors
(antipode sw-1) ; {(->ShuffleWord [2 1]) 1}
; we verify one of the axioms for an antipode
(= {(->ShuffleWord []) 1}
(lc/lc-apply-linear-function lc/tensor-m12
(lc/lc-apply-linear-function lc/tensor-antipode-otimes-id (coproduct (->ShuffleWord [])))))
(= {}
(lc/lc-apply-linear-function lc/tensor-m12
(lc/lc-apply-linear-function lc/tensor-antipode-otimes-id (coproduct sw-1)))))
There is also a linear combination "plus". Its is a linear combination where the coefficients themselves are linear combinations.
That is {"a" {"x" 5, "y" 3}, "b" {"x" 17}} stands for the linear combination (5 * "x" + 3 * "y") * "a" + (17 * "x") * "b". This is helpful for doing simple symbolic calculations.
TODO example of this
Installation is simple if you have leiningen; this tool will arrange to retrieve everything else you need. On Mac OS, for example,
$ brew install leiningen
ought to get you started. Clone the repo. In the repo folder, lein repl
will start a REPL,
where you can run the examples from above.
To run the test suite:
$ lein test
Copyright © 2018 Joscha Diehl
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.