
Another word game chat bot

MIT LicenseMIT


Another word game chat bot



Game Rules

Bot will give an initial word, and player asked to create another word from those letters (with minimum length of word is 3)


  • Initial Words has minimum length of 5
  • Word created from initial letters minimum length of 3
  • Game Duration : 1 minutes
  • Invalid word must be notified by Bot

Bot Command

Bot command is a sets of unique listener to respond when users send chat that started with /

  • /startgame Ask bot to start game (Gives a starting word, and start counting)

Development Tasks

This sections will list all task that need to be developed for the bot. Please send an inquiry for claiming a tasks

  • Create initial bot (main.py)
  • bot command listener
  • word validator
  • Database layers (Firebase)


This repository will use the following library (listed in requirement.txt)

Development Flow

We are encourage to use Feature Branch Workflow. in brief :

  • Create your own branch from master
git checkout -b newFeatureBranch
  • Commit your changes on your branch
git add .
git commit -m "gives your comment of your commit here"
  • After all looks good, push your branch (don't forget to pull from master first before push)
git push -u origin newFeatureBranch
  • Create Pull Request from your branch to master
  • Wait reviewer to check your Pull Request and merge to the master