
Extract all inline CSS from your HTML generating a css file for it.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Style Extractor

Extract all inline CSS from your HTML generating a css file for it.

How to use

  • First install the lib

    npm install --save style-extractor
  • Import the lib and use it

    import { extractStyle } from 'style-extractor';
    const { html, css } = extractStyle(`html input here`)
    console.log(html, css)


    Option Values Default
    strategy: Strategy Strategy.atomic | Strategy.scoped Strategy.atomic
    classPrefix: string string value es-

    To configure the options you can pass an object as a second parameter, example:

    import { extractStyle } from 'style-extractor';
    import type { Strategy } from 'style-extractor';
    const { html, css } = extractStyle(
      `html input here`,
        strategy: Strategy.scoped, 
        classPrefix: 'my-prefix-' 
    console.log(html, css)



For each inline style attribute found, the lib will generate a unique class with the whole value.


Given the input:

 <div style="width: 100%;border: red;">
    h1 { line-height: 20px; }
  <h1 style="color: white; font-size: 14px;">title</h1>  

The HTML output would be:

  <div class="es-chrTOf">
    <h1 class="es-dfoHTq">title</h1>  

and the CSS output would be:

.es-chrTOf { width: 100%;border: red; }
h1 { line-height: 20px; }
.es-dfoHTq { color: white; font-size: 14px; }


For each css declaration found, the lib will create a unique class and reuse the class on all elements that also have the same css declaration value.


Given the input:

 <div style="width: 100%;border: red;">
    h1 { line-height: 20px; }
  <h1 style="color: white; font-size: 14px;">title</h1>  

The HTML output would be:

 <div class="es-cwtpWi es-gSvEpd">
  <h1 class="es-jTfyaK es-dhZwgM">title</h1>  

and the CSS output would be:

 .es-cwtpWi { width:100%}
 .es-gSvEpd { border:red}
 h1 { line-height: 20px; }
 .es-jTfyaK { color:white}
 .es-dhZwgM { font-size:14px}


  • Option to create file in disk