Realization of the Smart tweet brief
- pip install requirements.txt
- contains the key authentication of Azure API and Tweet API
- : python code files for database manipulation. Provide connection to the database with some methods:
- add_one_tweet
- add_many_tweets
- get_tweet_by_id
- get_tweets
- get_tweets_paginated
- update_tweet_by_id
- update_tweets
- delete_tweets
method call:
from database.db_access import DatabaseManager as db db.getInstance().add_one_tweet({ 'name' : 'tweet1', 'sentiment' : 2, 'text' : 'random comment' })
- SQL code
- Python code for dashboard visulization
/datatweet: contains python classes that collect tweets with Twitter API and predict their sentiments with Azure API
- TweetCollection class: retreive most recent tweets
- TweetSentimentPrediction class: send tweets to Azure in order to obtain their sentiment score and the confidence scores
- TweetLoader class: prepare the the availability of database by calling TweetCollection and TweetSentimentPrediction and create the time series chart
- an python object who transforms python object into json
- python
This project can not be completed without the help of Andrey and Mathieu