Red ☎️

Telephone service for your lightning node powered by


  • prerequisites: Bitcoin + Lightning Node
  • download, configure and start impervious, follow instructions here
  • download and install cloudflared for your environment
  • git clone
  • cd redphone && npm i && npm run start -- 8888 8881 (where 8888 is redphone webserver port, 8881 is impervious http/websocket port)
  • cloudflared tunnel --url http://localhost:8888 (where 8888 is redphone webserver port)

2021-08-05T06:09:08Z INF +------------------------------------------------------------+
2021-08-05T06:09:08Z INF | Your free tunnel has started! Visit it: |
2021-08-05T06:09:08Z INF | |
2021-08-05T06:09:08Z INF +------------------------------------------------------------+

  • go to the provided link to see your LN Phone


  • Dial any Lightning node that has redphone by entering their Node ID into the box.
  • Receive notifications when another node is calling you, answer the call.
  • See call history

How does it work?

  • This app allows you to set up a WebRTC connection between two peers on the internet.
  • Normally peers would visit the same website and talk to the server over websockets to setup their p2p webrtc connection, or use STUN/TURN servers.
  • Red Phone allows you to setup webrtc connection with anyone by doing the signaling over impervious which runs on top of Lightning Network.
  • And since you run your own bitcoin+lightning+impervious+redphone on your own node/server, no other centralized entity knows about your p2p webrtc connection with your peer.

Built for Impervious.AI Hackathon -