Grab Booking Services

Contains sample services 'bookings' and 'agents'


In order to get started, make sure you have Golang, Docker and Protobuf installed:

  1. Install Docker on MacOS (
  2. Install Protobuf through Homebrew ( by typing brew install protobuf in Terminal.
  3. Install Golang via ( or typing brew install go in Terminal. Make sure you have go modules enabled.
  4. Install Go-Micro Plugin for Protobuf ( by typing go get in Terminal.
  5. Install gRPC Plugin for Protobuf ( by typing go get -v -u in Terminal.

Clone this repository by using go get:

go get
cd $GOPATH/src/

Note the code must be run from $GOPATH/src. (If you don't have $GOPATH set, see

This repository uses vendor, so you will need to disable Go Modules for it to work:

export GO111MODULE=off

Running the services

In order to run the services, simply open up the Terminal and call the script we have prepared for you.


This script takes care of building and deploying bookings service into a docker container along with other containers such as DynamoDB and agents service. If at any point you simply want to build, you can use the Makefile we've prepared.

make all

Testing the bookings service


  curl http://localhost:8080/v1/createBooking -d ''

Test bookings

Some sample data has already been created with the following BookingIDs. Use the dynamodb-admin tool below to view them.



A server is included by default. Visit http://localhost:8001 to browser the local DynamoDB.