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Postgraphile Polymorphic Relation Plugin

This plugin create the associations linked via a polymorphic association. Polymorphic associations are defined like this in ruby on rails.


The postgraphile by default includes relation plugins that create associations based on foreign key. For example

create table users{
  id: integer primary_key,
  name: text
create table posts{
  id: integer primary_key,
  author_id: integer references users (id)

The Post model will not only have author_id field, and will also have an userByAuthorId object.

But it does not work for polymorphic associations.

create table taggs(
  id: integer primary_key,
  taggable_type: text,
  taggable_id: integer,

create table user(
  id: integer,
  name: text,

If you add a smart comment to define polymorphic associations. like so

comment on column taggs.taggable_type is E'@isPolymorphic\n@polymorphicTo User';

This will allow the plugin to know that the taggs table is polymorphic associated with user. Then the Tagg model will have a field called userAsTaggable. and User model will have a field called taggs.


If there is an Unique Constraint on the two columns taggable_type and taggable_id, then the field in User is tagg (singular) instead of taggs. (It will be a single model isntead of a connection)

alter table taggs add constraint unique_taggable UNIQUE (taggable_type, taggable_id);

Also provide a connectionFilter

In the above example, And a record in taggs is

id: 50
taggable_type: 'User'
taggable_id: 1

This means the tag(id:50) is connected to User record of id:1.

If you want to filter the connections like the following:

  userAsTaggable:{id:1} // This does not exist in regular connection filter

This plugin will create the forward relationship. (this userAsTaggable) field, and also the backward relationship. (the taggs field on User Connection, and other connections that is associated). Also if the taggable_type and taggable_id are has an unique constraint. The backward filter is not a single object filter, instead of a multi-field, which consist of three fields some,every,none.


Requires postgraphile@4.2+.

Usage of connection filter

To enable this function, it requires postgraphile@4.2+ and the following plugins appended prior to this plugin:

  • postgraphile-plugin-connection-filter@^1.0.0

Also an build option is needed. like so

createPostGraphileSchema(client, ['p'], {
        appendPlugins: [
          // This is important to be added if the two options are true
        graphileBuildOptions: {
          connectionFilterPolymorphicForward: true,
          connectionFilterPolymorphicBackward: true,

The two options will create the filter options.

Install it

npm install postgraphile-polymorphic-relation-plugin

Use it by adding it in

import {postgraphilePolyRelationCorePlugin} from 'postgraphile-polymorphic-relation-plugin';
createPostGraphileSchema(pgClient, [schemaName],{
  appendPlugin: [

The npm package exposes every intermediate plugins such as

addModelTableMappingPlugin: add the model to table mapping dictionary.

definePolymorphicCustom: add the polymorphic definition in Build object, used by other plugin

addForwardPolyAssociation: Use the defined polymorphic objects to construct forward relation,

addBackwardPolyAssociation: Use the defined polymorphic objects to construct backward relation,

If you feel like it, you could use them individually, or just use one that include them all. The postgraphilePolyRelationCorePlugin.


To establish a test environment, create an empty PostgreSQL database and set a TEST_DATABASE_URL environment variable with your database connection string.

createdb graphile_test
export TEST_DATABASE_URL=postgres://localhost:5432/graphile_test
yarn test