
Primary LanguageJavaScript


The link shortener with a long name. Powered by React.


Before running the following commands, make sure to have Node.js installed and to npm install dependencies.

Start development server

npm start

Go to localhost:3030!

Run tests

npm test

Build for production

npm run build

Tech stack


Application structure

If this app were more complex (with routes and a complex component hierarchy), I'd follow a folder structure like this, because it really scales well for large applications.

State management

I was considering Redux, but I felt it was too much for this little project.

So React's state is used instead. State important to the entire application goes into AppContainer. Trivial state is just kept in its own component.


This one was written pretty fast. Not the best for scalability and maintenance.

Why? Mainly because the stylesheet organization isn't enough for real-world projects. In a large project, CSS would need to be modular, and stuff like colors and font sizes would be stored in variables in order to keep them consistent throughout the application.

BEM methodology was adopted for this project.

Web Storage

User's shortened URLs are all saved using Local Storage API.


I'm a very detail-oriented person, but I couldn't be so attached on the details for this project. So, in order to feel better with myself (hahaha!), I need to say that I recognize completely that some design aspects of the application, like Responsive Design, could be improved.


Some dependencies listed in package.json are not being used, such as Enzyme and velocity-react. This is because I was planning to use them, but didn't find the time. Maybe in the future! :P

Update (23 January, 8 PM): now I'm using velocity-react! 😎 Update (23 January, 8:40 PM): Enzyme is also being used! No unused dependencies anymore 😎

Final words

Creating this app was pretty funny! :-)