
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



CVE-2022-42889 may pose a serious threat to a wide range of Java-based applications. The important questions a developer may ask in this context are:

1. Does my code include commons-text? Which versions?

Does the released code include commons-text? Which version of the library is included there? Answering these questions may not be immediate due to two factors:

  1. Transitive dependencies: while commons-text may not be in the direct dependency list of the project, it may be used indirectly by some other dependency.

  2. The code of this library may not appear directly as a separate file, but rather be bundled in some other code jar file.

JFrog is releasing a tool to help resolve this problem: scan_commons_text_versions. The tool looks for the class code of StringLookupFactory (regardless of containing .jar file names and content of pom.xml files), and attempts to fingerprint the versions of the objects to report whether the included version of commons-text is vulnerable.

2. Does my code use vulnerable commons-text functions?

The question is relevant for the cases where the developer would like to verify if the calls to commons-text in the codebase may pass potentially attacker-controlled data. While the safest way to fix the vulnerability, as discussed in the advisories, is to apply the appropriate patches, controlling for and verifying the potential impact under assumption of unpatched commons-text may be valuable in many situations.

scan_commons_text_calls_jar.py, which locates the calls to the vulnerable functions in compiled .jars, and reports the findings as class name and method names in which each call appears.



python scan_commons_text_versions.py root-folder [-quiet] [-exclude folder1 folder2 ..]

The tool will scan root_folder recursively for .jar and .war files; in each located file the tool looks for a StringLookupFactory.class (recursively in each .jar file). If at least one of the classes is found, the tool attempts to fingerprint its version (including some variations found in patches and backport patches) in order to report whether the code is vulnerable.

With -quiet flag, only version conclusions are printed out, and other messages (files not found/ archives failed to open/ password protected archives) are muted.

Folders appearing after -exclude (optional) are skipped.


The tool requires python 3 and the following 3rd party libraries: jawa, tqdm, easyargs, colorama

Dependencies installation
pip install -r requirements.txt

The default use case:

python scan_commons_text_calls_jar.py root-folder

will recursively scan all .jar files in root-folder, for each printing out locations (class name and method name) of calls to lookup/replace/replaceIn methods of StringSubstitutor/StringLookup.

The tool may be configured for additional use cases using the following command line flags.

Flag Default value Use
--class_regex (.*StringSubstitutor|.*StringLookup) Regular expression for required class name
--method_regex (lookup|replace|replaceIn) Regular expression for required method name
--quickmatch_string (StringLookup|StringSubstitutor) Pre-condition for file analysis: .jar files not containing the specified regex will be ignored
--class_existence Not set When not set, look for calls to class::method as specified by regexes. When set, --method_regex is ignored, and the tool will look for existence of classes specified by --class_regex in the jar.
--no_quickmatch Not set When set, the value of --quickmatch_string is ignored and all jar files are analyzed
--caller_block .*org/apache/commons/text If caller class matches this regex, it will not be displayed