Written by Dieter van der Westhuizen 2020 - 2023 dietervdwes@gmail.com +27828612093
This script does 2 things from the TrakCare Storage Information window:
- Gets the storage info from a list of episode numbers: "storage_sample.csv" OR
- Gets the "Instrument Send/Test result data" from a list of episode numbers: "episode_numbers.csv".
- Gets the above "Instrument Send/Test result data output files and isolates the lines which contain the words "Sample [x] loaded on C6000" into a single text file
Instructions for 1. Storage info:
- Format your file: storage_samples.csv with your list of episodes of which you need the storage locations to.
- Make sure that specimen_log.txt is empty (i.e. does not contain the data from a previous scrape).
- Log into TrakCare and open the "Specimen Information" module.
- Enter one episode and hit Tab. Then tick the "Storage Data" tick box and click "Display"
- Click Clear.
- Open the Storage Positions.ahk script.
- Hit "Storage"
The scraped storage positions will be written to "specimen_log.txt" in the same folder as the main script. This file will need manual translation by from Excel by "Data" --> "Text to colums" to get it into a useable thing.
Instruction for 2. Machine data:
- Format your file: "episode_numbers.csv" with your list of episodes of which you need the machine log data to.
- Make sure that the directory "machine_data" is empty (i.e. does not contain the data from a previous scrape).
- Log into TrakCare and open the "Specimen Information" module.
- Enter one episode and hit Tab. Then tick the "Storage Data" tick box and click "Display" - this is to prepare the window for the scrape.
- Click Clear.
- Open the Storage Positions.ahk script.
- Click the button "Epis_Machine".
If all works well, it should iterate through the episodes one by one and save a data file with Episode number for each episode in the folder "machine_data" within the working directory.
Instruction for 3. RegEx matching of file array to create a single file
NOTE: You need python installed on the PC and added to the System/User Path list for this to work (https://realpython.com/add-python-to-path/). This option (adding Python to path) can also be selected upon installation of Python.
- Open a terminal window (Windows Key + R --> cmd or powershell --> Run) and cd "current_working_directory". Hit Enter. To get the directory, go to the folder containing the scripts and click the window address bar - copy the full path. OR Hold Shift and Right click on a blank space in the folder where the scripts are and click "Open PowerShell window here". This should open PowerShell in the current folder already.
- Type: "python REGEX_DJW.py" without the inverted commas and hit Enter.
- The script should (hopefully) run successfully and output a file in the folder "new_machine_data" called "Cobus_output_file[date-time].txt".