
Search and Sort Algorithms in Ruby

Primary LanguageRuby

###The classic search and sort algorithms written in Ruby with benchmark runtimes.

Ruby has extremely forgiving magic where you don't have to declare variable types nor size. This makes Ruby less efficient for algorithms.

Let's measure the actual performance of these Ruby algorithms against C, C++, and Java. This is a work in progess and currently Insertion Sort in Ruby runtimes are measured. See below.

My test setup utilizes the HackerRank.com engine which uploads algorithms written in 38+ different languages. Macbooks are not suitable for benchmarking because the runtimes vary greatly from iteration to iteration.

Here are HackerRank's AWS/EC2 configurations by language: https://www.hackerrank.com/environment

This is an example of how I ran the Insertion Sort in Ruby.

insertion sort in ruby benchmarked on Hackerrank.com