
Companion repo for YouTube ReactJS Hooks/Context, Styled-components, Bootstrap, Node, Express, Sequelize and Postgres To Do List application tutorial:

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Best To Do List Application

A ReactJS Hooks/Context, Styled-components, Bootstrap, Node, Express, Sequelize and Postgres To Do List application companion repo to YouTube tutorial here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gK-M8u08f8Y&list=PL9g7odpg28fTgk7O1zXixYt0uzqBs9jCm

How to test the application.

  • Clone the repo
  • In the root directory of the application, run npm install.
  • Start the api server by running the command npm run dev.
  • After running that, open another terminal tab and run cd client to change into the client directory.
  • While in the client, run npm install again to install dependencies for the client side.
  • And lastly, npm start to completely start the application.