TPC Interview Test

Please fork this repo and submit the link to your forked repo.

We are testing basic c# and javascript skills.


Fire up a terminal and change to ./src/JsStuff and run npm install

We are using mochajs for testing. Use npm run test to execute the test runner.

See the comments in hello.js, hello-test.js, objects.js and objects-test.js on what to write.


We are using dotnet core. Fire up the Visual Studio and load TpcInterviewTest.sln

This is a short refactoring exercise.

The class Services.Logger violates the Open Close Principle.

Refactor this class so that message logging types are passed in when constructing Services.Logger and write a test in the Services.UnitTests project ensure Services.Logger.Log is being called with a single string parameter.

You don't need to install or use an IOC package - We are just looking to see how you refactor and write tests

Xunit and MOQ (alpha) have already been installed in the solution. If you have a different preferred mocking or fakes framework, feel free to change it :)