
nodejs server/client base project that uses gulp, coffeescript, browserify, less, ejs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A minimal nodejs app skeleton built with

  • express
  • gulp
  • coffeescript
  • nodemon
  • ejs
  • browserify
  • less
  • live-reload

Deliberately lightweight and client app framework free (apart from browserify) - Intended as a base to add your own preferred bits and pieces.


git clone https://github.com/diffused/gulp-coffee-browserify-less-ejs.git
cd gulp-coffee-browserify-less-ejs
npm install

Gulp will build the server and client side apps, templates, assets, etc and watch and live-reload any changes.

Tweak the code in ./src and gulp will build it into ./app

Server side app:

# main entry. builds -> app/app.js 

# ejs views builds -> app/views/*.ejs

# add new routes. Follow the pattern in productsRoute.coffee if you want to have routes added dynamically

Client side app:

# builds -> app/public/*.ejs

# main browserified file. builds -> app/public/scripts/app.js

# main lesscss entry file. builds -> app/public/stylesheets/main.css

# bower installs into app/public/bower_components