
Playing around with Rethinkdb 1.11, trying to learn its query support in python.

Primary LanguagePython

Playing around with Rethinkdb 1.11, trying to learn its query support in python.

Tried out various queries ranging in complexity that I might encounter and to see how queries might be dynamically constructed.

Currently using sample data using embedded array documents.

Wanted to to perform queries that filter

  • by field
  • by nested field
  • by values within a range
  • if value exists in embedded array
  • any combination


  • all snowboards
  • all products in given size[s]
  • all snowboards that have x features
  • all mens snowboards in size[s] x, with board features y, that cost between a & b

using example data like this

    'name': 'mens snowboard 1',
    'product_type': 'snowboards',
    'sizes': [152, 157, 159, 160],
    'board_features': [
        { 'name': 'Twin Tip', 'sysname': 'twin-tip' },
        { 'name': 'Reverse Camber', 'sysname': 'reverse-camber' },
    'gender': 'mens',
    'price': 100.00,
    'brand': {
        'name': 'libtech'
    'name': 'mens snowboard 2',
    'product_type': 'snowboards',
    'sizes': [157, 164],
    'gender': 'mens',
    'price': 102.00,
    'brand': {
        'name': 'libtech'
    'board_features': [
        { 'name': 'Powder Board', 'sysname': 'powder-board' },
        { 'name': 'Reverse Camber', 'sysname': 'reverse-camber' },
        { 'name': 'Directional', 'sysname': 'directional' },

to get it running:

virtualenv _env
. _/env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt 
python test_queries.py