
DifiCamp 2016 Open ID Connect Proxy project

Primary LanguageJava

DifiCamp 2016 Open ID Connect Proxy project

Build Status Codecov Stories in Ready


Id-porten har implementert en «Proof of Concept» (PoC) for hvordan man kan ta i bruk Open ID Connect som teknologi for å håndtere integrasjonen mellom tjenester/applikasjoner og autentiseringsfunksjonen til id-porten.

Oppgaven går ut på å lage en proxy/mellomvare som basert på konfigurasjon beskytter underliggende ressurser ved å kreve autentisering via id-porten. Tanken er å illustrere hvordan man oppnår løse koblinger mellom applikasjon og id-porten som tjeneste. I praksis skjer dette ved at man kommuniserer med underliggende programvare ved å legge til http-elementer som inneholder de data man får fra id-porten. Web-applikasjonen som benytter proxyen forholder seg bare til om disse http-variablene eksisterer eller ikke, ikke hvordan eller hvorfor de er der.

En vil forhåpentlig illustrere hvordan man kan lage og bruke en slik proxy vha OIDC-grensesnittet som id-porten støtter, samt mulighetsrommet som oppstår når en sentralforvalter kan videreutvikle denne tjenesten. Eksempler på dette er å standardisere håndtering av applikasjoner som krever miks av nivå 3 og 4, samt hvordan vi kan potensielt få høyere sikkerhet på nye nivå 1 og 2 tjenester.

Dersom det er tid/kapasitet bør en utforske mulighetsrommet rundt å benytte denne til å fase ut dagens OpenAM installasjoner ved å utvikle en bro mellom denne proxy’en og integrasjon mot dagens SAML-protokoll. Formålet med dette er å sjekke om dette er en farbar vei for å sanere teknisk gjeld ved å kunne migrere dagens applikasjoner vekk fra OpenAM.


  • Easy to create services that use Open ID connect authentication
  • Let this proxy handle all authentication with identityProviders
  • Receive user's data from multiple identityProviders in HTTP header

Getting started

Include these dependencies in your pom.xml:



Google Guice


Then include the JitPack repository in your pom.xml to build the OIDC-Proxy in your project: It should be at the bottom of your pom.xml file, after .



###Create and set up your configuration file:

The configuration file consists of one or many hosts, one or many identity providers and some global variables. Only characters $ " { } [ ] : = , # ` ^ ? ! @ * & \ are forbidden unquoted, but we've quoted all strings for consistency.


This is how a host is configured.

host.hostname = {
  hostname: "hostname"                                         <!-- The domain name of the host -->
  backends: ["IP_address1", "IP_address2"]                     <!-- The IP addresses the server runs on -->
  cookie:                                                      <!-- All cookie attributes are optional in the host, but required globally in the file -->
      name: "cookie_name",                                     <!-- If this host requires a cookie with other needs than the global cookie -->
      touchPeriod: 35,                                         <!-- Touch period is initial expiry in minutes, without -->
      maxExpiry: 120                                           <!-- Or higher max expiry -->
  paths:                                                       <!-- Configured paths are secured paths -->
        path: "/login_to_idporten"                             <!-- Root path of the secured area -->
        security: 2                                            <!-- Level of security -->
        idp: "idporten"                                        <!-- What identity provider should be used to log in on the secured area -->
        redirect_uri: "redirect_uri"                           <!-- Optional in path -->
        scope: "scope"                                         <!-- Optional in path -->
  preferred_idps: ["identity_provider1", "identity_provider2"] <!-- Preferred idps in descending order. A path's idp (if configured) will override this order, adding itself first -->
  logout_post_uri: "/logout"				                   <!-- The uri used to logout, triggering logout if user accesses url on host ending with this -->
  logout_redirect_uri: "http://localhost:8080/logout-this"     <!-- Where the client is redirected back to when logging out -->
  unsecured_paths: ["/unsecured_path1", "/unsecured_path2"]    <!-- Unsecured paths are paths that should not receive information about the user -->

Identity provider:

This is how an identity provider is configured

idp.identityProviderName = {
  class: "package.identityProvider.is.in.classname.of.identityProvider"    <!-- Which identity provider class should be used -->
  issuer: "issuer_url"                                                     <!-- The id/uri og the issuer. Used to validate the token-->
  api_uri: "api_uri"                                                       <!-- The uri where the api is found. used in the identity provider -->
  login_uri: "login_uri"                                                   <!-- The uri where the user is sent to log in -->
  jwk_uri: "jwk_uri"                                                       <!-- Where the JSONWebKey made by the authenticating service is located-->
  redirect_uri: "redirect_uri"                                             <!-- Where the identity provider should redirect back to. Configured in the identity provider-->
  client_id: "client_id"                                                   <!-- The client_id parameter used in the request to the identity provider -->
  password: "password"                                                     <!-- Password parameters used in the request towards the identity provider -->
  scope: "scope"                                                           <!-- The scope parameter used in the request towards the identity provider -->
  user_data_name: ["user_data_service_needs1", "user_data_service_needs2"] <!-- What user data collected from the log in should be sent to the service -->
  pass_along_data: "identifying_data_for_idp"                              <!-- If a user is logged into multiple idps on a host, server returns userData of first preferred idp with cookie and this additional data from other idps with cookie -->
  parameters: {                                                            <!-- Parameters have to be in the idp, but does not have to contain any parameters -->
    other_parameters: "like",                                              <!-- Other parameters need in the identity provider configuration -->
    security: 3


These are global configurations which are required to be in the configuration file.

cookie.name = "global_cookie_name" <!-- Global name of the cookie the proxy uses -->
cookie.touchPeriod = 20            <!-- How long the cookies validity should be expanded every time used -->
cookie.maxExpiry = 60              <!-- How long the max expiry should be expanded every time used -->

salt = "random_salt"               <!-- The salt is required globally in the conf-file -->


Lastly it is possible to configure what port the proxy should use.

listen = {
  port: 8080

Example configuration file with localhost:8080 as host and idporten as identity provider using ntnu.no as backend.

listen = {
  port: 8080

host.localhost = {
  hostname: "localhost:8080"
  backends: [""]
      name: "localhost-cookie",
      touchPeriod: 20,
      maxExpiry: 60
        path: "/fakulteter"
        security: 3
        idp: "idporten"
  preferred_idps: ["idporten", "identity_provider"]
  logout_post_uri: "/logout"
  logout_redirect_uri: "http://localhost:8080/logout-localhost"
  unsecured_paths: ["/studier", "/bilder"]

idp.idporten = {
  class: "no.difi.idporten.oidc.proxy.idp.IdportenIdentityProvider"
  issuer: "https://eid-exttest.difi.no/idporten-oidc-provider/"
  api_uri: "https://eid-exttest.difi.no/idporten-oidc-provider/token"
  login_uri: "https://eid-exttest.difi.no/idporten-oidc-provider/authorize"
  jwk_uri: "https://eid-exttest.difi.no/idporten-oidc-provider/jwk"
  redirect_uri: "http://localhost:8080/"
  client_id: "difi"
  password: "password"
  scope: "openid"
  user_data_name: ["pid", "sub"]
  pass_along_data: "pid"
  parameters: {
    security: 3,
    grant_type: "authorization_code"

cookie.name = "proxy_cookie_name"
cookie.touchPeriod = 30
cookie.maxExpiry = 120

salt = "2LMC539EF8nf04O9gndsfERGh3HI4ugjRTHnfAGmlwkSEhfnbi82finsdf"

###Set up the server with Guice:

Insert this code snippet into your main class to run the server with the configuration file.

import com.google.inject.Guice;
import com.google.inject.Injector;
import com.google.inject.Module;

Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new ArrayList<Module>() {{
    add(new ConfigModule());
    add(new StorageModule());
    add(new ProxyModule());
