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vefa-esubmission - shared component for creating ASiC-based eSubmission messages

The purpose of this component is to create valid eSubmission messages suitable for the PEPPOL network.

There are three modes of operation:

  1. Create ASiC archive based upon the contents of an SBDH in a XML file. This is the recommended way of doing it.

    java -jar vefa-esubmission.jar -sbdh <filename> -ks <keystore> -ksp <keystore password> \
        -pp <private key password>

    You should end up with an ASiC archive looking like this (the order is not important):

        |-- mimetype
        |-- sample-readme.txt
        |-- sbdh.xml
        |-- trdm090-submit-tender-sample.xml
            |-- asicmanifest.xml
            |-- manifest.xml
            |-- signature-2009bda5-f28e-4302-8350-fb7589b83bd7.p7s
  2. Create ASiC archive manually, specifying each and every file to be included.

    java -jar vefa-esubmission.jar -sbdh -bis -a
    -ks -ksp -pp

  3. Scan a directory and create ASiC archives for each SBDH file found.

    Not implemented yet.

The process of creating an eSubmission message in ASiC archives goes like this:

  1. Create the ASiC (ZIP) file.
  2. Copy all files into ASiC archive, while calculating the checksums as we go along.
  3. Create the META-INF/asicmanifest.xml file, which describes each file added
  4. Sign the asicmanifest.xml file using the private key and certificate supplied.
  5. Close the ASiC (ZIP) file.

Example command lines

The examples below assumes that the Java jar file vefa-esubmission.jar, holding the complete distribution, i.e. with dependencies, is available in the current directory.

Furthermore, the java command must be available.

Create ASiC archive based on the contents of SBDH

Creates a sample ASiC archive containing the test documents provided in this implementation. The contents of the ASiC archive, i.e. the files to be included are specified in the <Manifest> element of the SBDH:

                <!-- First reference is always the main BIS XML document, which may or may not -->
                <!-- reference attachments -->
                <Description>The main UBL XML document</Description>
                <!-- Include this file in the ASiC archive as an attachment -->
                <Description>A sample attachment</Description>

The signature is created using the supplied test certificates.

java-jar vefa-esubmission.jar -sbdh test -keystore test

The sbdh file is included as part of the signed contents of the ASiC archive.

Creating a single ASiC archive using the supplied test resources

vefa-esubmission comes with some test files and a test certificate and henceforth, we courteously supply you with the ability to create test messages:

# Creates ASiC archive named 'vefa-esubmission.asice' in current directory
java -jar vefa-esubmission.jar -bis test -keystore test

The resulting ASiC archive will only containt the sample BIS XML file: trdm090-submit-tender-sample.xml. I.e. no SBDH will be included, nor will any attahcments be included.

Creating a single ASiC archive

This is how you create an ASiC archive from the file trdm090.xml: # Input files: trdm090 (main document) and brochure.pdf (attachment) # Output: message42.asice

java -jar vefa-esubmission.jar -o message42.asice -bis trdm090.xml -a brochure.pdf \
     -keystore keystore.jks -ksp keystore_password -pkp private_key_password

The resulting ASiC archive will contain trdom090.xml (marked as the Rootfile in META-INF/asicmanifest.xml) and brochure.pdf.

Wrapping ASiC archive as base64 payload inside StandardBusinessDocument

Given an ASiC archive to be transmitted as base64 payload wrapped inside a element together with a SBDH, this command will create a new "outer" SBDH based upon extraction of the sbdh.xml from the ASiC archive:

java -jar vefa-esubmission.jar -wrap vefa-esubmission-703572024684397217.asice \
    -o sbd-to-be-transmitted.xml

Unwrapping base64 encoded ASiC payload from StandardBusinessDocument

java -jar vefa-esubmission.jar -unwrap sbd.xml -o message.asice

Creating multiple ASiC archives

A directory is scanned, and for each XML file found, an ASiC archive is created.

Note! This feature has not yet been implemented.

Iterates all XML files in directory_name and creates corresponding messages

java -jar vefa-esubmission.jar -d directory_name -out directory_name \
     -keystore keystore.jks -ksp keystore_password -pkp private_key_password

This feature has not been implemented yet.