- 2
[feature] 报错信息的改进
#253 opened by MaxforCherubim - 0
[bug] md单元格写标题,同时根据标题折叠单元格后,创建新单元格错位
#261 opened by MaxforCherubim - 2
[bug] libro在Windows11系统下使用终端出现的问题
#248 opened by MaxforCherubim - 2
[feature] Libro能否添加新kernel?
#256 opened by MaxforCherubim - 1
feature request: use 'toc-generator' action to automatically generate/update TOC of
#245 opened by bubkoo - 2
chore: 清理一下废弃的branch,33个 branch 不太正常
#246 opened by bubkoo - 1
docs: readme 中嵌入的图片是否可以改成gif动图,体感会更好
#247 opened by bubkoo - 0
tqdm 进度条完成后无法消除,在jupyter中可以实现
#185 opened by lanourain - 2
load content 、虚拟滚动逻辑解耦
#225 opened by sunshinesmilelk - 0
支持对话面板直接与模型 / agent 对话
#69 opened by BroKun - 0
#156 opened by sunshinesmilelk - 2
a example of using monaco-editor and libro-lsp to implement the lsp notebook specification
#138 opened by FoSuCloud - 1
prompt cell 选择的对话对象不存在时展示效果异常,并且没有提示
#55 opened by BroKun - 1
- 0
prompt cell 选择多轮对话后无法清除选择
#59 opened by BroKun - 1
[lab] 在 monaco 编辑器中不响应保存快捷键
#18 opened by BroKun - 0
[lab] 主区域 tab 切换性能较差,有时候会卡死
#20 opened by BroKun - 0
[lab] 文件树节点出现多重菜单
#17 opened by BroKun - 0
[lab] 文件树展开时不显示竖线,没有缩进
#19 opened by BroKun - 0
[lab] 文件树展开交互区域小,有时候会失效
#21 opened by BroKun - 0
An error occurred while adding cells
#1 opened by NewByVector