
Node.js application written in Typescript using Express. Backend API for the GoBarber project, a scheduling application to organize appointments for the barbers and their customers.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Express API for the GoBarber project

A useful and intuitive way to manage your appointments

GitHub top language Made by GitHub last commit Repository issues GitHub

About the project

This repository contains the backend api consumed by the web and mobile applications for the GoBarber project, a way to organize appointments for barbers and their customers.

To see the web app, go to GoBarber Web

To see the mobile app, go to GoBarber Mobile

Main Technologies

These are the main techs used in this project:

Getting Started

Import the Insomnia.json on the Insomnia App or click on Run in Insomnia button below

Run in Insomnia}


Clone the project and access the folder

$ git clone https://github.com/digaodev/gobarber-backend-ts.git && cd gobarber-backend-ts

Go through the following steps

# Install the dependencies
$ yarn

# Create the instance of postgreSQL using docker
$ docker run --name gobarber-postgres -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres \
              -e POSTGRES_DB=gostack_gobarber -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=docker \
              -p 5432:5432 -d postgres

# Adjust the values for 'ormconfig.json' if needed, according to your preferences
# in order to connect with docker database container

# Once the services are running, run the migrations
$ yarn typeorm migration:run

# Check if the migrations were successfully run (compare with the files in 'src/database/migrations')
$ yarn typeorm migration:show

# To finish, run the api service
$ yarn dev:server

# All done, hopefully the project is setup and running!


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Made by digaodev