FC Patcher Batcher
This is a wrapper batch file which uses tools other developrs made. My intention is to make this easier; All credit to all the OG's, Matioupi, mefistotelis, fvantienen, jcase, jezzab, jan and anyone else involved. Please review the source and please give all credit and or donations to the folk who created the tools.
Copy fw file to folder, copy all the files in the repo. Run batch file, follow commands. Then when done, flash with dumldore3.
For info on parameters: http://dji.retroroms.info/howto/start
Pyton2 https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-2716/
Python 3 https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.7.3/python-3.7.3.exe
Install Pcrypto+ConfigParser via PIP at command line:
- python -m pip install pycryptodome
- python -m pip install configparser
JRE/JDK https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html
7zip installed https://www.7-zip.org/download.html
Have root access (run dumlracer or dumldore enable adb) https://github.com/CunningLogic/DUMLRacer https://github.com/jezzab/DUMLdore
- Delete the 'tools' folder between runs
- some filecopy/deletes not working but doesnt affect outcome
- ALL adb tested except dji_Verify steps
- only mavic 1 support