
A doxygen filter for bash scripts

Do What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL


A basic doxygen filter (originaly written in GNU sed) allowing you to add inline-documentation to your bash shell scripts.

Supported shell syntaxes

  • All lines starting with a ## (without any leading blanks) are provided to doxygen. You can use all doxygen command you want in those lines. (see doxygen documentation).

  • Some top level declarations will be recognized if you use the declare primitive:

    • declare -a for arrays
    • declare -A for associative arrays
    • declare -i for integers
    • Any other top-level declare statement will consider variable is a string.
    • Those additionnal declaration attributes can be combined with -A/-a/-i/:
      • declare -l will mark the variable as LowerCase
      • declare -u will mark the variable as UpperCase
      • declare -x will mark the variable as Exported
      • declare -r will mark the variable as ReadOnly
  • Functions declaration will be recognized if all these conditions are met:

    1. a ## @fn line is found above the function declaration,
    2. the function is declared without the non-posix function keyword,
    3. the body-opening { char is on the same line than the funcname() instruction.

How to use it

  1. If you do not have a Doxygen configuration file (usually named Doxyfile), you can generate one by simply running doxygen -g.
  2. Edit the Doxyfile to map shell files to C parser: EXTENSION_MAPPING = sh=C
  3. Set your shell script file names pattern as Doxygen inputs, like e.g.: FILE_PATTERNS = *.sh
  4. Mention doxygen-bash.sed in either the INTPUT_FILTER or the FILTER_PATTERN directive of your Doxyfile. If doxygen-bash.sed is in your $PATH, then you can just invoke it as is, else use sed -n -f /path/to/doxygen-bash.sed --.

Known limitations



Q. Does it actually work ?
A. The bash-argsparse project uses this filter. Check the result. Click on the links. See by yourself.

Q. Is it rock-solid ?
A. No.

Q. Do you accept patches ?
A. Definitely.

Q. Why is the project named bash-doxygen while the filter is named doxygen-bash ?
A. Yeah, haha. Seriously.

Q. Can i include the doxygen-bash.sed file in my own tarball ?
A. See the COPYING file.

Q. Dude. sed ? Seriously ?
A. Are you.. Jealous ?

Q. ... ?
A. Don't you dare !