
:atom_symbol: Refactorisation of my blog using React. :atom_symbol:

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ello There Mate

Link to website: digiops.me


I used:

  • Django
  • Bootstrap
  • jQuery as my stack in my old website (link). [source]

It was pretty good, but not so modern in terms of web development.


So I refactored it using React and made it into a single page app. React is pretty neat and impressive.

Current stack:

  • Django + Django REST Framework for API
  • React for the client side.

( No major external libraries like jQuery or Bootstrap have been used. )

Webpack Configuration - The same as create-react-app with some modifications.

Source Files - All react files are under src/react/.


  • Must faster load time.
  • Better interface
  • Clean animations!


  • Animation code right now is very messy. (ReactAnimationGroup, React Motion, GSAP). Need to make it light.
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