
Different Webpack Boilerplates for various configurations. :robot:

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Webpack Boilerplates

Different Webpack Boilerplates for various configurations. 🤖

Recently, I've been dwelving deeper into Webpack and it never ceases to fascinate me. It's amazing how much you can make this package do just by changing configurations. So here, I've writted various webpack configurations as I learnt them.



es6/webpack.config.js contains loaders to transpile ES6+ javascript to ES5 compatible Javascript using the babel-preset-env. Also contains loaders to load images and CSS (modules).


typescript/webpack.config.js contains loaders to transpile Typescript to ES5 using the ts-loader. Also contains loaders to load images and CSS (modules).


caching/webpack.config.js contains configuration for optimization using caching. Does runtime chunking, splitting vendor modules and content-hashing based naming.


  • babel-loader with the smart preset babel-preset-env.
  • ts-loader to transpile typescript.
  • file-loader with naming option to parse images.
  • css-loader to make css importable and modular.
  • style-loader to add imported CSS to DOM using a style tag.


  • CleanWebpackPlugin to clean the build folder before performing the next build.
  • HTMLWebpackPlugin to create an html file with scripts set to the transpiled JS.