- Now supports the jsonresume format
- A default theme already supported
- Easy to create a theme or a config file
- Configs and schemas are both in yaml format
- Exports a pdf
pip install resumy
It may not work out of the box as some external dynamic libraries are necessary depending on your platform, please take a look at the weasyprint documentation page: https://doc.courtbouillon.org/weasyprint/stable/first_steps.html
An easy way to create your resume is to host your yaml file in a git repository and build it automatically + host it somewhere each time you push new changes. You can fork resumy_workflow for an example on github.
resumy --help
resumy init -o myconfig.yaml
This creates a file that you can easily edit:
email: anakin@skywalker.com
city: Mos Eisley
countryCode: Tatooine
name: Anakin Skywalker
phone: 123-456-7890
- network: Github
url: https://github.com/alexlren
username: alexlren
- network: Linkedin
url: https://www.linkedin.com/anakin
username: anakin
url: https://shaoner.com
- area: Jedi / General
institution: Jedi Academy
startDate: '2011-01-01'
- description: a multiplatform gameboy engine
- Rust
- React.js
name: padme
url: https://padme.cc
- keywords:
- Rust
- Python
name: Languages
- highlights:
- Killed a few rebels here and there
- Tracked Jedi all around the galaxy
- Practiced the force with my master Darth Sidious
- Killed some younglings
name: Empire
position: Darth Vader
startDate: '2016-08-01'
And it makes it easier to support multiple languages (i.e. multiple config files)
resumy build -o myresume.pdf myconfig.yaml
resumy theme mytheme -o /tmp/mytheme
Now you can simply edit /tmp/mytheme/theme.html and /tmp/mytheme/theme.css, and use your custom theme with --theme
resumy build -o myresume.pdf --theme /tmp/mytheme myconfig.yaml
- Create a virtual env
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
- Install dependencies
pip install -e .
- Create a config file
cp config.example.yaml my_config.yaml
python src/resumy/resumy.py init
- Run
python resumy/resumy.py build -o my_resume.pdf my_config.yaml
It's now possible to transform the previous resumy format into the jsonresume standard:
resumy normalize my_config.yaml -s jsonresume.yaml -o my_new_config.yaml
You can still use the original format, it is internally transformed into the new format
resumy build -o myresume.pdf --schema resumy.yaml myconfig.yaml
The old theme is not supported anymore, but it's not that hard to migrate it yourself.
tox -e flake8
tox -e mypy