Pinned issues
- 3
Blender 4.2 Steering arrows does not follow the movement of other rigs, hence flipping front wheels when it crossed the position of the arrows.
#138 opened by woody1122001 - 4
Car RIG Generation isn't working properly.
#126 opened by kprimme - 0
Error when clicking on Bake car Steering and Rotation (with Blender 4.1 add-on fix)
#137 opened by Luke9831 - 2
After click on generate this error is coming.
#134 opened by abhsivfx - 1
- 0
Python error in riggacar
#135 opened by Josephjoelregina - 3
Bake Car steering wont bake in Blender 3d
#114 opened by MAMILO20 - 0
[Fixed] Add-on Fixed for Blender 4.1
#133 opened by JeanYan3D - 2
- 3
ISSUE - Rigacar
#124 opened by conrutokb1995 - 18
Blender 4.0
#118 opened by batonchick1 - 1
#130 opened by HasharatH - 14
Car wheels not rotating when following path.
#129 opened by timwhois - 2
Addon not properly working on Blender 4.x+
#127 opened by LucasAlfare - 4
[FIXED] Working version of the add-on for blender 4.0+ (with working baking)
#125 opened by batonchick1 - 3
rigacar is not working in blender 4.0.2
#122 opened by Toxic-Speed - 0
[FIXED] Issue with blender 4
#123 opened by JeanYan3D - 5
[FIX FOUND] baking wheels rotation/car steering remove all the animations keyframes
#121 opened by bisqunours - 5
Generate Causes Error and no Controls
#117 opened by TheJewelThief - 0
Gives an error when trying to activate the addon
#120 opened by Draglacial - 1
Rig not generating
#119 opened by ryan3dgod - 0
Not auto generating Bake car Steering
#116 opened by Apoilaki - 1
Only 1 big bone appears.
#115 opened by babypopmusic - 11
- 4
Wheels animation doesn`t work on Blender 3.6
#111 opened by azz1l - 0
Rigacar -- Unreal Engine 5
#113 opened by PolygonMasteRDDD - 8
bake not work in 3.5 Blender
#103 opened by sam1qK - 2
blender addons
#110 opened by constan1234 - 0
bug in my blender (2.79)
#112 opened by persona4len - 0
Rigacar animation issue blender 3.5
#109 opened by marseliM - 2
- 1
- 1
Rigacar issue
#105 opened by Rishabhroach123 - 1
Rigacar addon not working properly
#106 opened by Fl3amy - 2
Car rig not working with blender 3.5
#104 opened by darshan572 - 3
Bake not work into Blender 3.4
#98 opened by ExtremeAddons - 0
Rigacar add on not appearing after install.
#102 opened by Miah3d - 0
Add on doesn't appear on side bar after installing.
#101 opened by destrox1 - 1
Not showing up in ''N'' list
#99 opened by FadeTP - 0
Not moving the vehicle
#100 opened by pnva - 0
- 1
Hello, dear users!
#95 opened by KapteinisLv - 1
- 1
Poll error in some case
#87 opened by Pullusb - 1
addon not in sidebar panel
#94 opened by noconelol - 1
The position of the bones is incorrect
#91 opened by Marcenary - 0
Bake car steering doesnt work and turns the wheels fully 90 degrees to the side
#92 opened by sepehrabdar - 0
Wheel rotation problem
#90 opened by Saiqal - 0
Rigacar for Motorcyles
#89 opened by hoodtronik