
Fork of inolen/quakejs with additonal content server, local play page, and start-stop script

Primary LanguageJavaScript


QuakeJS is a port of ioquake3 to JavaScript with the help of Emscripten.

To see a live demo, check out http://www.quakejs.com.

Building binaries

As a prerequisite, you'll need to have a working build of Emscripten, then:

cd quakejs/ioq3
make PLATFORM=js EMSCRIPTEN=<path_to_emscripten>

Binaries will be placed in ioq3/build/release-js-js/.

To note, if you're trying to run a dedicated server, the most up to date binaries are already included in the build directory of this repository.

Running locally

Install the required node.js modules:

npm install

Set content.quakejs.com as the content server:

echo '{ "content": "content.quakejs.com" }' > bin/web.json

Run the server:

node bin/web.js --config ./web.json

Your server is now running on:

Running a dedicated server

If you'd like to run a dedicated server, the only snag is that unlike regular Quake 3, you'll need to double check the content server to make sure it supports the mod / maps you want your server to run (which you can deduce from the public manifest).

Also, networking in QuakeJS is done through WebSockets, which unfortunately means that native builds and web builds currently can't interact with eachother.

Otherwise, running a dedicated server is similar to running a dedicated native server command-line wise.

Setup a config for the mod you'd like to run, and startup the server with +set dedicated 2:

node build/ioq3ded.js +set fs_game <game> +set dedicated 2 +exec <server_config>

If you'd just like to run a dedicated server that isn't broadcast to the master server:

node build/ioq3ded.js +set fs_game <game> +set dedicated 1 +exec <server_config>

baseq3 server, step-by-step

Note: for the initial download of game files you will need a server wth around 1GB of RAM. If the server exits with the message Killed then you need more memory

On your server clone this repository. cd into the quakejs clone and run the following commands:

git submodule update --init
npm install
node build/ioq3ded.js +set fs_game baseq3 +set dedicated 2

After running the last command continue pressing Enter until you have read the EULA, and then answer the Agree? (y/n) prompt. The base game files will download. When they have finished press Ctrl+C to quit the server.

In the newly created base/baseq3 directory add a file called server.cfg with the following contents (adapted from Quake 3 World):

seta sv_hostname "CHANGE ME"
seta sv_maxclients 12
seta g_motd "CHANGE ME"
seta g_quadfactor 3
seta g_gametype 0
seta timelimit 15
seta fraglimit 25
seta g_weaponrespawn 3
seta g_inactivity 3000
seta g_forcerespawn 0
seta rconpassword "CHANGE_ME"
set d1 "map q3dm7 ; set nextmap vstr d2"
set d2 "map q3dm17 ; set nextmap vstr d1"
vstr d1

replacing the sv_hostname, g_motd and rconpassword, and any other configuration options you desire.

You can now run the server with

node build/ioq3ded.js +set fs_game baseq3 +set dedicated 2 +exec server.cfg

and you should be able to join at http://www.quakejs.com/play?connect%20SERVER_IP:27960, replacing SERVER_IP with the IP of your server.

Running a content server

QuakeJS loads assets directly from a central content server. A public content server is available at content.quakejs.com, however, if you'd like you run your own (to perhaps provide new mods) you'll need to first repackage assets into the format QuakeJS expects.

Repackaging assets

When repackaging assets, an asset graph is built from an incoming directory of pk3s, and an optimized set of map-specific pk3s is output to a destination directory.

To run this process:

node bin/repak.js --src <assets_src> --dest <assets>

And to launch the content server after the repackaging is complete:

node bin/content.js

Note: ./assets is assumed to be the default asset directory. If you'd like to change that, you'll need to modify the JSON configuration used by the content server.

Once the content server is available, you can use it by launching your local or dedicated server with +set fs_cdn <server_address>.

Running a local dedicated server, content server, and play page

It is possible to run a QuakeJS server, Content Server, and Play Page entirely locally (for use on a LAN with no external internet connection required).

Configure a dedicated local server as described above in Running a dedicated server and baseq3 server, step-by-step.

Copy the files from html to your web server's root folder. Run html/get_assets.sh to download files from http://content.quakejs.com. Rename quakejs on line 77 of html/index.html to your server's hostname.

Copy init.d/quakejs to /etc/init.d/, make it executable, and enable it by running sudo update-rc.d quakejs defaults (under Debian).

Step by step instructions can be found at https://steamforge.net/wiki/index.php/How_to_setup_a_local_QuakeJS_server_under_Debian_9_or_Debian_10

Adding custom maps & content

digidigital has written a guide on adding custom content under Linux. It is part of the repo and can be found at https://github.com/begleysm/quakejs/blob/master/cctools/README.md


Step by step instructions on how to setup a server under Windows 10 can be found at https://steamforge.net/wiki/index.php/How_to_setup_a_local_QuakeJS_server_under_Windows_10#Adding_your_own_Maps

A video guide on setting up a Windows 10 server, and adding custom content, under Windows 10 has been developed by grabisoft and can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m57rMXASWms
