- script that automatically logs in for daily updates of cybytes and credits used on the website.
Install Python 2.x or 3.x (not tested but should work. Install libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev python-dev using your favorite package manager (packages for Debian/Ubuntu, look for the same on other distros) Install pip (if you have not installed it yet). To install pip, download: , then run the following command:
Optionally install virtualenv (pip install virtualenv)
Once pip has been installed, run the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt --user <your_user>
The --user option is not neccessary if you use virtualenv
Add the username and password values wherever required in the file
Change the variable CYBPATH to the path of the dowloaded files in the files and reschedule_jobs.
Keep all the files from the repo in the same folder.
Keep the last line of the file cybrary.log from the repo as it is and then run:
to schedule the cybytes update job and forget about loggin in everyday :).