
Round 3 of #100DaysOfCode inspired by #GrowWithGoogle. MWS nanodegree or bust.

100 Day of Code with Grow with Google / Udacity Scholars

Round 3 for me, but rules are revised to participate in the Grow with Google version of this challenge.

General Guidelines

These will be the general guidelines for this challenge within the Grow with Google Community:

  • Scholars code for at least 30 minutes everyday.
  • They will post a short announcement about their progress in the #motivation channel on Slack and note which day of the challenge they are on with a “D” followed by the day (e.g. D11 for day 11).
  • Scholars will only count the days where they spent time on Labs and Projects (Udacity Assignments or Personal).
  • Scholars will encourage and support at least two people each day in Slack(Can be participants in the challenge or in the Grow with Google Program in general)
  • Scholars are allowed once skip day per two weeks. They cannot skip two days in a row. They will not count the day they skipped once they resume.
  • The challenge must be completed by October 24th, 2018. Scholars can start whenever they wish to.

The #100DaysofCode Challenge accomplishes this by helping the scholar set a SMART goal.

Specific: Scholars are coding

Measurable: This goal is defined in a concrete amount of time(30 minutes)

Achievable: Everyone in phase 2 has already worked on some projects already

Realistic: Easily achievable given the amount of time that it takes to build these labs/projects

Time-Bound: This is a short term goal of 100 days