- Change the TinyMCE settings for the Page Builder
- Adds new styles for the Text Area Editor in Page Builder
- Accordion content type
- HTML Video content type
- Additional Preview Viewports: laptop (1024px - 1279px) and tablet (768px - 1023px)
To access Studio Raz private packages in Composer, configure authentication for the project:
composer config --auth http-basic.repo.packagist.com <username> <password>
Set up the custom repository with the following command
composer config repositories.private-packagist composer https://repo.packagist.com/studioraz/ composer config repositories.packagist.org false
Install this module within Magento 2 using composer
composer require studioraz/magento2-page-builder
After this, enable the module as usual
bin/magento mo:e SR_PageBuilder && bin/magento s:up