
leaner mumble container

Primary LanguageShell


A lean mumble container with mumble version 2.8, from debian jessie

mumble_server.ini goes in the /data/ volume mount or can be set with the environment variable MUMBLE_INI

to setup SuperUser password, change your run command from the default:

docker run -ti --rm diginc/mumble -supw supersecret
mumble-server does not own /data, attempting to modify
Failed to set initial capabilities
<W>2014-12-15 04:37:27.398 Initializing settings from /data/mumble_server.ini (basepath /data)
<W>2014-12-15 04:37:27.399 OpenSSL: OpenSSL 1.0.1j 15 Oct 2014
<C>2014-12-15 04:37:27.400 Successfully switched to uid 106
<C>2014-12-15 04:37:27.400 Failed to set initial capabilities
<W>2014-12-15 04:37:27.596 ServerDB: Opened SQLite database /data/murmur.sqlite
<W>2014-12-15 04:37:27.597 Generating new tables...
<F>2014-12-15 04:37:27.691 Superuser password set on server 1

start.sh handles /data volume permissions to match the debian mumble server user