Digipost documentation site
Sources for building the documentation site at digipost-docs.readthedocs.io
✅ Prerequisites
Install Python 3
Building the documentation site with Sphinx requires Python v3:
brew install python
Link Python 3
as described in Stackoverflow. By adding it first inPATH
environment variable, it will be chosen before the really old one installed by default on macOS. -
Install dependencies for building the documentation
pip install sphinx_rtd_theme pip install recommonmark pip install sphinx-tabs pip install sphinx-autobuild
Do a build to verify everything works
make clean html
🏗 Building
Local development
To run a self-updating webserver using sphinx-autobuild
make autobuild
The site is continuously built when changes are made to the sources.
Building the site
To build the site, run:
make clean html
🛠 Tools
Convert markdown to reStructuredText
If not already installed, install pandoc with e.g. brew install pandoc
pandoc markdown-file.md --from gfm --to rst -s -o output-file.rst --wrap=preserve
The example converts GitHub Flavored Markdown using --from gfm
. Substitute the source format with something else if you need to. It is important to use wrap=preserve
to avoid splitting one-liners into multiple lines.