
Template for developing a Go-based container plugin for Digital.ai Release

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Template Project for Digital.ai Release Integrations

This project serves as a template for developing a Go-based container plugin.

See How to create a new project below

Digital.ai Release integration to TARGET by PUBLISHER

⮕ Insert description here ⬅

How to build and run

This section describes the quickest way to get a setup with Release to test containerized plugins using the SDK Development environment. For a production setup, please refer to the documentation.


You need to have the following installed in order to develop Go-based container tasks for Release using this project:

  • Go 1.21
  • Git
  • Docker

Start Release and Release Remote Runner

We will run Release and Release Remote Runner within a local Docker environment. In the development setup, the Release will trigger execution of containerized task on local Docker run Remote Runner.

Start the Release and Remote Runner environment with the following command

cd dev-environment
docker compose up -d --build

Note: Before running you can change default password fore remote-runner user in dev-environment/digitalai-release-setup/secrets.xlvals if needed - be sure to set a password with special char, numeric value, upper case letter and long enough, or secure enough to be up to security compliancy in Release.

Configure your hosts file

The Release server needs to be able to find the container images of the integration you are creating. In order to do so the development setup has its own registry running inside Docker. Add the address of the registry to your local machine's hosts file.

Unix / macOS

Add the following entry to /etc/hosts (sudo privileges is required to edit): container-registry


Add the following entry to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts (Run as administrator permission is required to edit): container-registry

Build & publish the plugin

Build will generate a zip and a docker image pushed to the registry defined in project.properties

  1. Set properties in project.properties
  2. Run build script to build the plugin zip and publish the image to registry:

Unix / macOS

sh build.sh 



The above command builds the zip, creates the container image, and then pushes the image to the configured registry.

build.bat --zip Builds the zip.

build.bat --image Creates the container image, and then pushes the image to the configured registry.

Install plugin into Release

There are two ways to install the plugin into Release.

Install plugin via commandline

Update the Release server details in .xebialabs/config.yaml

Run the command for Unix / macOS:

sh build.sh --upload 

Run the command for Windows:

build.bat --upload 

The above command builds the zip and image and uploads the zip to the release server.

Install plugin via Release server UI

In the Release UI, use the Plugin Manager interface to upload the zip from build. The zip takes the name of the project, for example release-integration-template-go-0.0.1.zip.


  • Refresh the UI by pressing Reload in the browser.

5. Test it!

Create a template with the task Go Container Example: Hello and run it!

6. Clean up

Stop the development environment with the following command:

docker compose down

How to create a new project

The release-integration-template-go repository is a template project.

On the main page of this repository, click Use this template button, and select Create new repository. This will create a duplicate of this project to start developing your own container-based integration.

Naming conventions

  • my-integration folder (as well as the package my_integration) should be renamed after the integration target name. All task logic should be implemented inside this folder.
    (Note: Go doesn't encourage usage of - and _ in package names, try to keep package name short, single word, but still clear. In this example - was used on intention with intention for you to refactor it.)

Use the following naming convention for developing Digital.ai Release integration plugins:


Where publisher would be the name of your company.

For example:


Repository configuration

In the new project, update project.properties with the name of the integration plugin

cd acme-release-example-integration

Change the following line in project.properties:


Add a new task

  1. Add task type to type-definitions.yaml.
  2. Add task struct with input parameters to cmd/commands.go.
  3. Add task type to constants and command factory in cmd/factory.go.
  4. Add FetchResult() implementation of command in cmd/executors.go and add task logic.

NOTE: Although task logic is inside FetchResult() method, it is a good practice to create a new file for each new task (See examples).

Add abort logic for a task

View examples at Abort Example

  1. Define abort command for a task in cmd/factory.go. Use following syntax command.AbortCommand(NAME_OF_EXISTING_COMAND): func... (See example for hello)
  2. In cmd/commands.go, define a struct that will hold the necessary data for abort execution.
  3. In cmd/executors.go, define a method on the newly created struct which implements FetchResults

NOTE: Make sure to include context.Context in your methods as it is now required because of changes made to support abort functionality.

Integration tests

Integration tests execution is implemented in test/integration_test.go using Convey.

Add a new integration test:

  1. Create a new folder inside test/testdata.
  2. Add input.json (provided input) and expected.json (expected output) files inside the new folder.
  3. Add the folder name to testsLabels variable in test/integration_test.go.

Add a new mock HTTP response:

  1. Add JSON file with corresponding response to test/fixtures.
  2. Add test.MockResult{} to commandRunner in test/integration_test.go.