
This repository defines a list of packages that are included in the Daml Hub Arcade. It consists of both Sample Apps and Integrations, whose locations are declared in the repositories.yaml index within this project.

Adding a Sample App

Do you have a fully-fledged Daml application that runs on Daml Hub with a DAR model, triggers, custom UI, and other artifacts? Want to see it included as a one-click deployable Sample App? Read on.

All Sample Apps (and Integrations) are consumed by Daml Hub in the form of DIT files. In short, a DIT file is a single package that contains the metadata and deployable entities that make up your application.

There are 5 straightforward tasks to getting your application ready and published on Daml Hub's arcade:

  1. Configure
  2. Build
  3. Release
  4. List
  5. Update

Note: Digital Asset reserves the right to make the ultimate determination of officially including your application in the arcade. However, an application DIT file can still be manually uploaded by any user to a Daml Hub ledger -- outside of the arcade -- so it may still prove a useful way of packaging, testing, and/or distributing non-official Daml Hub apps, depending on your use case.

To do so, follow steps Configure and Build to obtain a DIT. The DIT can be uploaded to a new or existing Daml Hub ledger through the "Upload File" button.


DIT packages are configured with a dabl-meta.yaml file in the root directory of your application.

dabl-meta.yaml defines a catalog object that contains, for example, the following items:

    name: dabl-chat               # Machine-readable name
    version: 0.2.2                # Semver version tag
    short_description: DABL Chat  # Human readable name
    description: A straightforward web chat app.
    author: Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH
    url: https://github.com/digital-asset/dablchat  # Link to source code
    license: Apache-2.0
    tags: [dabl-sample-app, application]  # Controls how Daml Hub displays the package - with these values, under the sample app section
    icon_file: dabl-chat.png      # File name for app icon

For the complete set of possible values allowed under catalog, view the package metadata class definition, which denotes each possible value name and its data type.

Create a pkg/ directory in your project's root to supply extra files to the DIT build. You may include the app icon file here, in either SVG or PNG format, and refer to it by name in the dabl-meta.yaml configuration.

We strongly urge versioning your application with semver, as Daml Hub will default to providing the latest available version.


The command line tool ddit can help with building your DIT. See here for detailed instructions on installing and using the CLI.

The tool can be easily integrated into existing build processes, e.g., make targets. See existing sample apps for example Makefiles.


Once you've built a DIT file, you'll want to publish it by uploading it to the GitHub Releases page of your project's repository. This can be done through ddit, with the ddit release command.


After the DIT is uploaded to your repository's Releases page, submit a PR to this repo for inclusion! Add an entry to repositories.yaml for your application in the form of

  - type: github-release
    owner: USERNAME
    repository: REPONAME

and, after approval & merging, should soon begin showing up within Daml Hub.

Daml Hub subscribes to all of the Release pages specified in this index, and when it detects a new release that contains a DIT file, will make it available for deployment from the Console.


After publishing your Daml Hub app, pushing updates to the arcade is easy and automatic. Simply increment your app's version tag in dabl-meta.yaml, rebuild it with ddit build, and rerelease it as a new version with ddit release.

The new version will become deployable from Daml Hub sometime within 30 minutes to an hour of the release.