
Does Droid support file renaming to correct filetype?

Alister-Zeus opened this issue · 5 comments

Whilst I can scan a large folder of mis-extensioned files (all files were downloaded as .html rather than .zip/.rar/jpg/gif etc) I can't see a way to correct this except to export a filtered by mismatch csv and manual covert that to a batch file and then run that

Hi @Alister-Zeus
Droid operates "read only" on the files to be profiled so there is no functionality to rename the files. At this point, I don't believe we would consider that as a feature request either.
Hope this is okay,

Many formats have a range of possible extensions too, so there's often not a 'correct' extension to be applying. Processing this in a batch outside of DROID would definitely be the best option. As @sparkhi says, there's a principle in DROID that it can do no harm to the files it's characterising (which reassures organisations installing it) so we expect to continue with that approach.

@Alister-Zeus I discovered this code from @tw4l the other day and it may fulfill this need for you? -- certainly worth a look.

Hi @Alister-Zeus Can we close this issue?