A framework for creating an audio stream player using WebAudio.
- Both AudioWorkletNode and ScriptProcessorNode are supported.
- No SharedArrayBuffer is used so that cross-origin isolation is not required.
See also: ./example.
Create my-decoder-worker.ts
like following. Implement your desired audio decoding procedure in process
import { AudioDecoderWorker } from 'webaudio-stream-player';
class MyDecoderWorker extends AudioDecoderWorker {
constructor(worker: Worker) {
override async init(args: any) {
/* initialize if needed */
override async start(args: any) {
/* This is called each time Audio.play(args) calls. */
override async process(): Promise<Array<Uint8Array|Int16Array|Int32Array|Float32Array> | null> {
* Generare wave data here.
* This method is called periodically until it returns null.
* The amount of waveform data generated at one time is arbitrary, however,
* do not lock for long time here since `abort()` requests of AudioDecoderWorker
* will not be received while this method is processing.
* It is recommended to return this method after an appropriate size of wave is generated.
const channels = [];
const leftFreq = 440.0, rightFreq = 660.0;
for (let c = 0; c < this.numberOfChannels; c++) {
channels.push(new Float32Array(this.sampleRate));
for (let i = 0; i < this.sampleRate; i++) {
for (let c = 0; c < channels.length; c++) {
const freq = c == 0 ? leftFreq : rightFreq;
channels[c][i] = Math.sin((2 * Math.PI * freq * this.phase) / this.sampleRate);
return channels;
override async dispose() {
/* dispose resources here */
const decoder = new MyDecoderWorker(self as Worker);
Save the following code as my-renderer-worklet.ts
. No modification is required.
Note that webaudio-stream-player/dist/workers/audio-renderer-worklet-processor.js
must be imported as the absolute path.
This is a workaround to prevent Webpack from referencing variables that do not exist in the AudioWorkletGlobalScope.
import { runAudioWorklet, AudioRendererWorkletProcessor } from "webaudio-stream-player/dist/workers/audio-renderer-worklet-processor.js";
runAudioWorklet('renderer', AudioRendererWorkletProcessor);
import { AudioPlayer } from "webaudio-stream-player";
// `?worker` is a workaround to transpile .ts to .js
// See [this issue](https://github.com/vitejs/vite/issues/6979#issuecomment-1320394505)
import workletUrl from "./my-renderer-worklet.ts?worker&url";
export class MyPlayer extends AudioPlayer {
constructor(rendererType: "script" | "worklet") {
rendererType: rendererType,
decoderWorkerFactory: () => {
return new Worker(new URL("./my-decoder-worker.ts", import.meta.url), { type: "module" });
rendererWorkletUrl: workletUrl,
rendererWorkletName: "renderer",
numberOfChannels: 2,
WorkerUrl plugin is required. A typical Webpack configuration is ./example/webpack.config.js.
import { WorkerUrl } from "worker-url";
import { AudioPlayer } from "webaudio-stream-player";
// The `name` option of WorkerUrl is a marker to determine the webpack's chunkname (i.e. output filename).
const decoderUrl = new WorkerUrl(new URL("./my-decoder-worker.js", import.meta.url), { name: "decorder" });
const workletUrl = new WorkerUrl(new URL("./my-renderer-worklet.js", import.meta.url), { name: "renderer" });
export class MyPlayer extends AudioPlayer {
constructor(rendererType: "script" | "worklet") {
rendererType: rendererType,
decoderWorkerUrl: decoderUrl,
rendererWorkletUrl: workletUrl,
rendererWorkletName: "renderer",
numberOfChannels: 2,
const player = new MyPlayer("worklet");
const audioContext = new AudioContext();
document.getElementById('some-element').addEventListener('click', async () => {
if (audioContext.state != 'running') {
await audioContext.resume();
This library uses AudioWorklet that is only available in a secure context. Thus, if "worklet" renderer type is given to AudioPlayer, a page using the player must be served over HTTPS, or http://localhost.