
Meteor iron router support for i18n

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Iron Router i18n

Add i18n support for the popular Iron Router meteor package.


Latest Version: 1.2.3

Docs for previous 0.5.x versions can be found here. Upgrade to 1.x versions can be done just by switching to i18n-conf configuration.

See the History.md file for changes (including breaking changes) across versions.


Iron Router i18n adds support for i18n routes to Iron Router package for Meteor.


  • i18n system agnostic. It can be easily integrated with any existing i18n package (or at least it aims to). Currently used with TAPi18n on an internal project.
  • Switch language when a route is called with a language code in it. E.g.: http://example.com/it/test will change the language to italian while http://example.com/en/test will change the language to english.
  • Define multiple language routes with a single configuration, share or override single configuration parameters of each route.
  • Redirect/switch to a language-aware route when the language code is missing from the url. E.g. it can automatically switch from http://example.com/test to http://example.com/en/test if current language is english.
  • Configurable: url language code extraction, language switching on missing code, url language code strategy e.g. one can support different behaviour on missing lang code (e.g. not redirect but serve default language content) or use different language aware url schema e.g. http://example.com/test.it instead of http://example.com/it/test.
  • Many configuration options adapting to different cases.
  • Reactive pathFor, urlFor, linkTo helpers that update reactively on router language change.
  • Custom language alias path, possibility to use custom language alias path instead of default schemas (see iron-meteor/iron-router#656). E.g. /quienes-somos as a path for spanish about.
  • Default strategy to retrieve/set the language (e.g. based on HTTP headers and/or session variable)
  • Server side behaviour, e.g. use a 301 redirect to url with language code when calling a server route.
  • i18n-conf based configuration and management.
  • "On the fly" router reconfiguration: i18n routes and router behaviour will be consistently reconfigured on I18NConf.configure and Router.configure calls implying i18n changes no matter when and where this calls are made (#69).
  • Many other configuration and tweaking options (see docs)


Iron Router i18n can be installed with the meteor package system:

$ meteor add martino:iron-router-i18n


Basic configuration

Basic Iron Router i18n configuration is done through i18n-conf


         defaultLanguage: 'en',

         languages: ['es', 'en'],

         autoConfLanguage: false


Other specific options can be configured directly on the Router (all iron-router-i18n configuration options are within the i18n option namespace):


       i18n: {
         compulsoryLangCode: true,
         langCodeForDefaultLanguage: false,
         server: {
                   exclude: {
                      sitemap: '^\/sitemap\.xml'

Router language will be automatically changed using I18NConf.setLanguage(lang) and I18NConf current language will be changed when calling a language aware route (e.g. /es/about will change the language to es.

Basic usage

Iron Router i18n can be used out of the box with its default route i18n alias strategy which just prefix routes with language codes e.g. the about route with path /about will be /en/about for english and /es/about for spanish.

Since version 0.3.0 is also possible to specify custom path for i18n on each route. I18n routes configurations can override other default route options in addition to path.

     Router.route('about', {
         path: '/about',
         template: 'about',
         i18n: {
             languages: {
                 it: {
                     path: '/chi-siamo',
                     template: 'about_it',


or, with new Iron Router 1.x

     Router.route('/about', {

         template: 'about',

         i18n: {
             languages: {
                 it: {
                     path: '/chi-siamo',
                     template: 'about_it',



     Router.route('/about', function() {

        var lang = this.getLanguage();

        if (lang == 'it') {
        } else {



         i18n: {
             languages: {
                 it: {
                     path: '/chi-siamo',


Given the router configuration above both configurations will create 3 routes:

  • /en/about/ the "default language" route with template "about"
  • /it/chi-siamo/ the custom path route with template "about_it"
  • /es/about/ the es route with template "about"

Configuration options


If set to true the router will consider compulsory for a route path to have a language code (e.g. /en/about) if the language code is not found (through getLangCode function) missingLangCodeAction function will be called (default to true). You can set langCodeForDefaultLanguage if you just want to disable lang code for default language url.

serverSide (just server)

Enable (true) or disable (false) server side functionality (default: false).

redirectCode (just server)

The redirect code to use when redirecting when the lang code is missing from path (default: 301)


If set will be used to add the language code to a route path which is missing one. Default implementation will add the language code as a prefix to the path. E.g. the route


with default implementation will generate three routes with path: /en/about, /es/about, /it/about.


Given the path returns the language code (or null if no language code is found in the path). Default implementation return the language prefix, e.g. for path /de/about will return "de". By changing getLangCode and setLangCode can be used alternatives strategies to language prefixing.




    i18n: {

        getLangCode: function(path) {



Action taken when compulsoryLangCode is set to true and no language code can be found in path by getLangCode (default is trying to redirect to a language aware path based on the current configured language). E.g. when receiving a request for /about and the current language is "en" it will redirect (Router.go on the client, 301 Redirect on the server) to /en/about. If the function returns true the request dispatch will return immediately after this method execution, otherwise it will continue normally.


Action to be taken when a language code is found by getLangCode. Default is using Router.setLanguage to set the language. E.g. when /es/about is called and the current language is not spanish, the current language will be switched to spanish.


Action to be taken when switching programmatically the language code in the URL (see "Methods" below). Default behaviour is to change the url according to the default lang code "prefix" strategy. E.g. if calling Router.setLanguage('it') while at path '/en/about' of the above example conf it will automatically switch the location to /it/chi-siamo.


Gives the possibility to exclude specific routes or path patterns from being handled by Iron Router i18n, can be useful for special cases like admin pages or server side sitemap routes.

The exclude parameter can be configured as a string (will be interpreted as a Regex), a function (will be passed the path to match and will exclude the path by returning true), an array whose values are strings or functions (or other array of string and functions) or an object whose values are objects, array, strings or functions as described above.

The other possibility is to exclude a specific route just by setting to true the "exclude" parameter on the route.



    i18n: {


        exclude: {
          // Paths beginning with "/admin"
          admin_paths: '^\/admin',
          // Paths ending with ".special"
          special_paths: function(path) {
             if (path.substr(-8) == '.special' {
               return true;
             return false;


        server: {

          exclude: {
             sitemap: '^\/sitemap\.xml'




To exclude a single route:

     Router.route('about', {
         path: '/about',
         i18n: {
             exclude: true



Configure whether the language code should be added and considered for default language routes that is if deafault language is 'en' and set to false the three routes will be /about, /es/about and /it/about instead of /en/about, /es/about and /it/about. Defaults to true.


Configure whether routes should be instantly created or their creation should be deferred to Meteor.startup phase. Default (true) is to defer route creation to Meteor.startup phase in order to avoid problems created by Meteor load order logic: if a file with Router (or I18NConf) configuration is accidentally placed so that is loaded after some route creation (Router.route) this can cause unexpected behaviour, be aware about this if you decide to set deferRouteCreation to false. See #63 for details about it.

Methods (Router)


Returns the current route language code (if any), e.g. "en" for "en/about". It can also be used to know whether the route was called with a lang code in it or not to know whether to switch language.


Used to know whether lang code was missing or not from original requested path (before eventual missingLangCodeAction redirection), see #38 for original motivation.



Overrides iron:router pathFor helper making it reactive on router language change. Adds the "lang" parameter to force language for path and the "origRoute" parameter to show the original non localized route path.



{{pathFor route='items' lang="it"}}

will show path /it/about

{{pathFor route='items' origRoute="true"}}

will show path /about, the "original", non localized path, (see #55 for a use case for this)


The same as pathFor but returning absolute URL.


The same as pathFor but returning a links.
